Weinermobile Visits the Capitol

Weinermobile Visiting Concerts on the Square

Weinermobile Visits Concerts on the Square © 2008 Bo Mackison

On July 3rd the Weinermobile was on display across the street from the State Capitol Building in Madison, Wisconsin. Ah, a photo op and why not? The car is a Wisconsin icon, and an American icon, too.

Oscar at Concerts on the Square

Yummy! © 2008 Bo Mackison

This particular Weinermobile bears the license moniker YUMMY. Very smart, these hot dog people – putting the plate inside the car. There have been reports of missing plates on some of the vehicles. Other licenses the cars have include BIG BUN, OH I WISH, WEENR, WEINER, and OUR DOG, all Wisconsin plates.

Inside the Weinermobile

Inside the Weinermobile © 2008 Bo Mackison

Really smart interior. Not only is everything catsup red and mustard yellow, but the ceiling is a lovely cloudscape. Very uplifting, especially during those winter months when the skies tend towards gray and cloudy.

Weinermobile Factoids

Weinermobile Factoids © 2008 Bo Mackison

In case you are interested, you can read more factoids from the real sign.