Emergence – Poem and Mandala

http://www.kantamotwani.com/y1n4gnf In the middle of the night
when my companion is the tick
of the second-hand
– and heart beat


source site In the early morning hours
awaiting first light
so still in the house
– too quiet


go site In wait for the coming of storm,
be it thunder, hail, snow squall
– or a brewing wild within

https://www.skipintros.com/photos/98539/q6k52g73 Midst scheduled days or days unfettered,
in calm or angst
with joy or grief,
– take up your pen and paper

follow url And in keen or chant, praise or lament,
in raised voice or sultry whisper,
(remember this)
– all is sacred and profane

source url Cast spell and benediction,
turn your words into phrases
and phrases into lines
– invite unruliness and ecstasy too

https://feriadelavivienda.co/o9appxhhw8 Take up your pen,
invoke madness or muse
Take up your pen and write
– then, poetry emerges.