Blue Wagon

source site Hard to remember that only two weeks ago the trees were barely changing color, and now they are simply bare. Mid-October in southern Wisconsin saw only a few days when the sun peeked out, and this was one of those sparkly autumn days that I consider true gifts. Another photograph from my favorite of the Wisconsin’s Historical Society sites, Old World Wisconsin, which documents the settlement of 19th- and early 20th-century Wisconsin. There is an 1870s crossroads village, where this wagon and buildings were photographed, and 10 ethnic farmsteads located on 576 acres of wooded hills in the Southern Unit of Kettle Moraine State Forest.

Orange Pumpkins, Blue Pumpkin

get link I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion. ~~ Henry David Thoreau

follow You tell ‘em, Mr. Thoreau. Can I join you if I choose a pumpkin on the other side of the patch?

Shopping Cart Art

see url I hate shopping. But I like shopping carts.

Red, White and Blue

Patterns Catch A Photog's Eye

Tramadol Legal To Buy Online Colorful Brick Wall Begs for a Photo!

follow site The caption on this photograph sounds like something one would read in The Onion. “Wall Begs for Photo.”

go to site I can imagine in the future, this wall will be a popular photo stop because it has the ability to beg, “Please, please, I know i’m just a brick wall, but I’m a painted brick wall. Prettily painted, too. Please, take MY picture!” “Sure, why not? I’ll take your photograph. Don’t move while I set up my equipment!”

Whooping Cranes

see url A pair of Whooping Cranes  enjoyed a reprieve from the rainy days. The sun came out in south-central Wisconsin after hiding for much of the month behind gray clouds. And the cranes celebrated by splashing, jumping, and striding about in this pond at the International Crane Foundation. They were a joy to behold – such enthusiasm and frolicking.