To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. ~ George Santayana On the Prairie Path in Owen Conservation Park, Madison, Wisconsin, as the last autumn leaves hold fast to the tree limbs amidst the first of winter’s snow flurries. In my October 31st post I noted large construction machinery leveling land in the southwest corner of this conservation park. I left a message with my alderman complaining about infringement in our conservation parks, but did not follow-up as I should have. I now discover that the City of Madison has not succumbed to the pressures of outside development, but is instead improving the site. I do acknowledge that Madison is one of the most environmentally-conscious and progressive larger cities (200,000 city population, 500,000 metro) I have ever lived in, so I should have given it the benefit of doubt until I checked the facts.
enter site I recently found out that the city is constructing three storm-water/wildlife ponds in the park to replace an eroded channel to Lake Mendota. This water way currently carries tons of sediment to our largest downtown lake (9842 acres) every year. Soon, Owen Park will have three new wildlife ponds to attract the aviation population. Sorry, Madison. I jumped to a wrong conclusion when I should have checked my facts first. Kudos to Madison, instead. I will follow up as the project moves forward.