Clouds over Barn

Clouds over Barn

watch Clouds over Barn © 2008 Bo Mackison Perfect white clouds hover over green and white farm buildings in central Door County Wisconsin.

Not Your Typical Barn

Red Roof and Green Grass Red Roof and Green Grass © 2013 Bo Mackison Juxtaposition of colors and textures tempted me. Not a typical barn, but I love its individuality. Hmm. Can a building have individuality? I think so.

Oh Dear – There Was a Deer

Storm Clouds Massing

source Storm Clouds Massing © 2008 Bo Mackison

click First there were the storm clouds. For most of our five hour Friday afternoon trip, the skies were bright blue and the sun was dazzly bright. Then as we approached our weekend camping destination, clouds started massing on the horizon. An ominous start to the weekend we thought. If we had only known. . .

Deer-Struck Truck Deer-Struck Truck © 2008 Bo Mackison

source url Twenty miles from the campground I spied a doe and fawn at the side of the road. I said, “Look at the two deer”, and the doe ran across the road and smacked into the car as I said the word “deer”. We were lucky – we were towing our mini trailer and so we were driving the bigger towing vehicle which withstood the impact – actually very well. If we had been in our little Subaru, we would have been thrown into the ditch.

get link The deer didn’t fare so well – I’ll pass on those photos – and the fawn ran into the woods without its mama. We’re figuring a good 6 or 7 thousand dollars in car repairs. Front fender, hood, electrical repairs, on and on. With a sizable deductible to pay, our anticipated October trip to the Southwest looks pretty doubtful. We were already concerned with the price of gas, but looks like this might be the kiss of death – so to speak.

see But today it is a sunny Saturday. The prairie wildflowers are blooming and I have an itchy shutter finger. And the only living things that surrender their existence to me today will be mosquitoes – which happen to be as big as wildebeests.

source Looks like a good morning to head into Sister Bay and grab some Swedish pancakes at Al Johnson’s after I shoot for awhile. Those pancakes there are heavenly – paper thin and cut in long rectangles, swimming in lingonberries and butter. Yum!

Solitude Abandoned in the Field

go to site Solitary barn in a fallow field. Spring is as late coming to central Iowa as it is to Wisconsin. No signs of greening in the fields, except for a little winter wheat. And this photo was taken 150 miles south of Madison.

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north of Mount Pleasant, Iowa
March 29, 2008

One Red Wall

Red Barn Side Red Barn Side © 2008 Bo Mackison Nearing the end of a long winter, a farm stands in snowy isolation.

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