Dutchman’s Breeches

Dutchmans' Breeches, Ephemeral Wildflower in Owen Conservation Park, Madison, Wisconsin

see url Dutchman’s Breeches © 2011 Bo Mackison

see I finally discovered a few ephemeral wildflowers in the woods near my home. These tiny white flowers, hanging on a bright red stem, look a bit like the britches worn by men, so the story goes. I do not personally know any man who would be caught dead wearing this type of white and yellow breeches, but then again, the names of many wildflowers show a lot of creativity on the part of the people who named them.

https://lpgventures.com/7fcjb7pu8kj The ephemerals–early spring flowers that bloom on the woodland floor before the trees leaf out and shade the ground–are finally blooming. I saw only bloodroot a week ago when I walked the forest trails. On my last walk in the woods, two days ago, quite a few other species were in bloom–hepatica, violets, and Dutchman’s breeches were in abundance.

source link Nice to see the earth coming alive with greenery and flowers.

https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/km6m771xn The spring flowers are blooming and the sun is finally shining after the last days of April faded into May. Last month went on record as the cloudiest April in Wisconsin since the late 1800s.

click here

Pink Magnolia

Pink Magnolia, Olbrich Botanical Gardens in Madison, Wisconsin

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/c9tvz1qt Pink Magnolia © 2011 Bo Mackison

http://www.mscnantes.org/ugfr9jzv I finally found a sunny time to drive across town and see how the flowers were faring at the Olbrich Botanical Gardens. I had a nice surprise. Even though many of the flowers are several weeks behind their normal blooming time, the entire garden in filled with flowering beauties. The magnolia trees are in bloom. I think the magnolia has one of the more interesting flowers.

Ordering Tramadol Overnight Scientists think that the magnolia is one of the older flowers on earth, believed to have evolved before bees, for the magnolia is designed for pollination by beetles. (The magnolia is not the oldest of flowers, that distinction goes to the water-lily.) The magnolia bloom has many primitive features including a large number of both pistils and stamens–the reproductive parts of the flower. In comparison, most flowers have only one pistil and five stamens. The magnolias’ large number occur in spiraled rows and cluster together above the petals.

https://purestpotential.com/7g8yvq5 The magnolia has between six and twelve petals plus an additional three sepals. Typical of primitive flowers, the petals and sepals are nearly identical in shape and color. This magnolia, the Loebner magnolia, has a purplish hue. Other magnolias range in colors from pure white to yellowish-green to pink to lavender.

https://alldayelectrician.com/idshu4bh9 The trees, when planted in groupings, are quite a marvelous sight–twenty five foot tall trees covered with thousands of almost translucently tinted flowers.

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https://guelph-real-estate.ca/2u3l26u I am back home after spending the first part of 2011 in Arizona. It has taken some time to adjust to life in Wisconsin, but now that the spring flowers blooming and the sun is finally shining, life is good.


Time to Bloom

Tulip, Upon Opening, at the Allen Centennial Gardens, Madison Wisconsin

source Time to Bloom © 2011 Bo Mackison

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=kbsh4jd “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~~Anais Nin

https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/r896oxfjcj I thought it would be difficult to live on my own in Arizona. I had never done such a thing before–live nearly 2,000 miles from my husband and my family, take care of the details of my day, all day long, day after day, week after week. But it didn’t take me as long as I expected to settle into the life of living “solo.” I kept busy, I stayed focused, I wrote out a to-do list every morning, or sometimes the night before, and I steadily went through the list each day. Not that I got everything I wanted to get done, done. But I made a serious dent in my list almost every day.

enter site Fast forward to today–nearly two weeks after I packed up my Arizona things and drove back to Wisconsin. I thought things would go on rather smoothly when I returned home. I’d stay focused. I’d get my work done. I’d take care of the details of my days. Wrong. Wrong. And wrong.

I’m going through an adjustment period that I simply didn’t expect. I can’t concentrate. I’m not shooting as consistently each day as I was in Arizona. (And I could give some excuse here about the gray skies and how late spring is, but I could figure out a work-around, even for crummy weather, if I chose to do so.) I’m getting the absolute necessary items done — I’m meeting my deadlines, I’m preparing for my upcoming art fair schedule–the first show of my season is less than two weeks away, but I’m struggling.

I compared what I was doing in Arizona with what I am doing in Wisconsin. And I came to a conclusion of sorts. In Arizona, I saw everything as new, everything was an opportunity to seize because it might be the only opportunity that I had to go to a certain place or see a certain thing. Now that I am back home, it is easy to put off any plans I make. If the weather isn’t perfect enough, or if I had a toss-and-turn night and I’m feeling out of sorts, I cancel any plans I had in my head.

After all, those places will be there when I get there. Wait. Really?

So now I am returning to a few of my Arizona habits.

Number one. I am back to making a daily to-do list, as much as I’d prefer to just wing my schedule. I simply don’t get the things I really want to get done if I don’t adopt at least a few organizational habits. I hate to admit that, but it’s true. So each day I list at least three things I need to do for my photography business and I list a place to visit. It doesn’t have to be far–some of my favorite gardens are only a mile or two away from my home.

Number two. At least once a week, I plan on going further from home. There are dozens of places in Wisconsin that I have had on my to-visit bucket list for years. Once I week I am dipping into that bucket and going on a Wisconsin “explore.”

In fact I am on an “explore” right now, spending the night in a historic house I have wanted to visit for years. I’m feeling more focused already. I’ll report on my special visit soon, and let you know how the “Wisconsin plan” is going.


I am back home after spending the first part of 2011 in Arizona and had a few rough weeks adjusting to life back in Wisconsin, but things are looking more optimistic now — now that I am back on the “plan.”




Bloodroot in Woodlands, Madison Wisconsin

Bloodroot in Woodlands © 2011 Bo Mackison

Though finding flowers in bloom has been a bit of a challenge in Wisconsin this spring, I found several stands of bloodroot in the woodland area of the Allen Centennial Gardens at the university of Wisconsin in Madison. It’s name has nothing to do with “blood” — the sap of the flower is a bright red color, similar to the color of blood. The sap has been used as a dye by Native Americans.

Though it is typically found in the cooler, eastern regions of the United States and Canada, it can be found as far south and west as Texas. It is a common ephemeral flower in the woods of Wisconsin, blooming before the trees leaf out and block the sunlight from reaching the forest floor.


I am back in Wisconsin after spending the first part of 2011 in Arizona, and beginning to see hints of a late arriving Spring as she quietly tiptoes into Wisconsin.



Pale Purple Coneflowers

Prairie Flowers Pale Purple Conneflowers

Pale Purple Coneflowers © 2010 Bo Mackison

My first wander through the Wisconsin prairies this summer – a feast of color. The pale purple coneflowers were in full bloom and danced merrily with huge stands of  orange milkweed. There were a few tall yellow compass plants, towering a good five or six feet high and bright orange wood lilies, too. Plus the waving grasses.

I so love the prairie in bloom.