Green Barn with Character

Barn with Character

Buy Cheap Tramadol Barn with Character © 2008 Bo Mackison

follow url This is another of the many Door County, Wisconsin barns whose builder refused to go along with the more customary red barn motif.

Barn with Character II

Order Tramadol Cod Only Barn with Character II © 2008 Bo Mackison

Buy Diazepam Online Legally Uk A very green barn – green roof, once sage-green walls, even the trim was a darker shade of green. And now surrounded by lots of tall, waving grasses. The little bit of red in the window provides for an interesting contrast.

Barn with Character III

get link Barn with Character III © 2008 Bo Mackison

follow Lots of work went into the construction of this concrete silo – I love the little window facing west and the “top hat.” And somehow, an industrious tree has taken root under the roof.

Online Valium Overnight Delivery This barn was most likely built circa 1900 – this circular form of concrete silo was most prevalent in that decade. It was hand built of formed concrete rings that were poured atop each other. Metal ladder rungs were frequently added as a permanent part of the structure to facilitate access, and a poured concrete dome was usually hoisted to cap the tower.


see url Barn © 2008 Bo Mackison

enter I can almost imagine the farmer climbing the steel rungs on the outside of the silo, calling to some of his younger kids playing in the loft, maybe the littlest one peeking out at father from the second story window.

“Over, Under, Sideways, Down . . .

Which Way? Which Way? © 2008 Bo Mackison . . . Backwards, forwards, square and round.”
lyrics by the Yardbirds

here If you can’t figure out which direction you are heading, can you reach your destination?

Happy Birthday to My Daughter I haven’t been a woman in this state of affairs for a long time. For the last 7,469,280 minutes of my life I have been a mother of one or more teenagers. But today the streak ends. My younger daughter, the baby of the crew, turns 20 today. Today I lose my title of “parent of teenager.” All my kids are now twenty-somethings. Happy birthday, dear, and I wish you a day that brings you much laughter and love.

get link A Door County, Wisconsin cherry orchard bathed in pink dawn light.