Floating Flowers

https://www.prestoavenuedesigns.com/save/online-valium-uk.php I’ve been more than a little pre-occupied with an extended visit from family, but all my company is leaving tomorrow. Tonight, while they are busy packing, I’m finally getting back to my camera and my computer. I missed my photography, definitely a habit by now, so I don’t think it will take me long to get back in the groove.

Buy Diazepam Next Day Delivery Uk This photo is from one of my favorite places, the Olbrich Botanical Garden in Madison. I love to visit this place in every season of the year, but I think summer is hard to beat. There are flowers blooming along every path, but green is still the predominate color. Lawns, bushes, and trees are all lusciously green, evidence of the more than adequate rainfall we have had this spring.

https://osteopatiaamparoandres.com/tgs5iizl2ux I needed an ID on this flowering shrub, though I only photographed a few white flowers, and those seemingly floating in space. The bush is only 3 to 4 feet in height, full of clusters of tiny flowers and these flat petaled flowers. Uphilldowndale came in with the identification  while I slept, dreaming of the ‘nameless’ flowers.

https://www.infotonicsmedia.com/about/buy-diazepam-cheap-uk.php Thanks, UHDD!

http://foodsafetytrainingcertification.com/food-safety-news/ql8y33ek90 BTW, she has an awesome story and photo of a dairy bull on her newest post–an animal I should be well familiar with living in Wisconsin, but am not. Dairy herds usually use artificial insemination. Seemingly an easier alternative? Yuk!

follow site I will give a nod to the organic dairy farmers in the area who keep more to traditional methods!

Sunflower, Opening

https://tvnordestevip.com/8ss0q8hb7bd My garden looks a little bedraggled – except for the glorious sunflowers. Hoping I can watch them dance until frost comes to visit.


https://www.iql-nog.com/2025/01/19/2ilzwg2 This softly focused flower photo seems to capture the spirit of this flower for me. Soft and beguiling. The balloonflower, named after a balloon because the unopened flower looks like a tiny inflated balloon.

Order Tramadol Next Day Delivery I wrote a poem, kinda clutzy, last summer about this flower.

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https://www.rmporrua.com/du9s4yr140x garden plants, tightly closed bud,
blues burst forth, flower as the balloon pops open

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and adults scrambling to dry flowing tears

source site not so in the garden

click this flower makes me happy
reminding me of you

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Black-Eyed Susans

enter Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there.  ~ Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732

http://lisapriceblog.com/shkgw011ri I think Thomas Fuller made a very true observation.

follow Since it is raining, with some much needed rain, thought I would post some sweet Susans from my backyard garden. A touch of sunshine in these ladies, no matter how inclement the weather.

Giant Sunflower and New Perspective

Giant Sunflower

https://thelowegroupltd.com/8mlccpe Giant Sunflower © 2008 Bo Mackison

click When you take time out to rest your back upon the earth, and look up into the summer skies, it’s amazing what you just might see. Perhaps, like I did, you might see life from a different perspective.