Barn and Shed


Weathered whitewashed barn
Broken windows, empty stalls
Ghostly cows lowing

Photographed across the road from Indian Lakes County Park in Dane County, Wisconsin.

Sunrise in October


October sunrise
Silhouettes of withered weeds
Earth’s cycling seasons

Sunrise taken at Pope Farm, 5 miles west of Madison, Wisconsin

Birthday Celebration


Whimseys © 2007

Tin-pressed ladybugs
Copper flowers, gee-gaws, bells
Birthday wish garden

A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip. ~Author Unknown

What better way to celebrate my birthday than with a photograph of — this? Looks like some sort of celebration to me. I’m not sure exactly what kind of party the establishment had in mind, but I’ll use the garden art for birthday candles. I might be able to match a gee-gaw for each year, but it will be close.

Photographed in downtown Fish Creek, Wisconsin.