Gray Birches


Birches © 2011 Bo Mackison

The state of mind of the photographer while creating is blank… [but] it is a very active state of mind, really a very receptive state of mind, ready at an instant to grasp an image, yet with no image pre-formed at any time.                      ~ Minor White

The gray birch is sometimes called an old field birch or a pioneer birch. It often grows in abandoned fields or pastures. This birch was standing at the edge of a construction site and grew wild many years ago.

I loved the black markings on the trunk, triangular-shaped areas where branches were once attached. And the tiny hatch markings that cover the rest of the trunk. Yellow leaves from the tree behind this birch provided the color for the background.


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. One of the greatest side benefits of nature photography are the walks in the woods required for scouting photo subjects.

No Time For Raking

Patchwork of Color

Patchwork of Color © 2011 Bo Mackison

No time for raking today, even though my backyard is covered with maple leaves. As the early morning light reached my backyard, the warm colors associated with autumn — oranges, yellows, burnt reds — were gone. In their places, with a heavy frost covering them, the autumn leaf colors turned bright red and frosty white set in deep purple shadows. Wow!

The mixing of seasons. Autumn nodding hello to winter!

Don’t look for me to be raking today. Instead, I’m spending the day at the Monona Terrace Convention Center in downtown Madison, Wisconsin.

Seeded Earth Studio and I are showing a large variety of my photography printed on canvas, or printed on fine art rag paper or metallic paper which are matted and framed. Also available are mini canvases (5″ x 7″) with their own easels and sets of cards.

I am in Booth 59, to the right of the entrance to the exhibit hall. Just a few steps from the front doors.

This is one of the better winter art festivals in Madison. The Winter Art Festival celebrates the talents and creativity of Wisconsin Artists. It is promoted as a showcase of Wisconsin artists, presented by Wisconsin artists, for the Wisconsin public. If you are in the Madison area, it is an art festival you will not want to miss. Truly awesome art in every booth!

Today is the last day — November 13, 10 am to 4 pm. Come say hello!


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.

Sparkling Lake

Sparkling Devil's Lake

Sparkling Devil’s Lake © 2011 Bo Mackison

A lake is the landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth’s eye, looking into that by which the beholder measures the depths of his own nature.  ~ Henry David Thoreau

There are days where the clouds block the sun and the world takes on a somber mood. When the day is gray, it’s a good time to recall the brightness of the sunlight, shimmering on the lake. Sparkly bright, so bright I had to shade my eyes with my hand. I mostly photograph away from the direct light of the sun, but sometimes I like to capture the effects of the sunlight, especially when it dances on the waves.

I’ll hold tight these memories. Clouds may hide the sun, but nothing can take away that bit of sunshine I hold in my mind’s eye.


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.  Bo loves the warmth and brightness of the sun; she is learning (slowly) to also love the gray clouds and cold winds of late autumn.

Geese at Sunrise

November Sunrise

November Sunrise © 2011 Bo Mackison

Geese in flight as the sun light begins to color the trees in a luminescence. This is autumn – flying geese, the natural world slowing down, and by slowing down they start their preparation for the coming winter.

We have our autumnal times, too. periods of our lives when we slow down, gather our thoughts and energy — and perhaps our courage, too —  in preparation for more difficult times. But all the while we prepare, we know that just at sunrise follows the dark, springtime follows the harsh winter. And that even in the darker seasons, there is always a light to guide us.

The cycle of seasons, the cycle of life.


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.   Nature — such a wise teacher.

Hard Frost

Hard Frost

Hard Frost © 2011 Bo Mackison

Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.  ~ Henry David Thoreau

This morning it was middle-of-the-night dark when I started my day at 6:00 am. I had plenty of time to get ready for the day, make coffee, meditate, and as I finished, I noticed that the eastern sky was getting a faint glow. Gradually just a hint of pink appeared, growing lighter.

I checked the thermometer — 25˚ F. Cold enough for a heavy frost. When there was enough light to see outside, yes indeed, there was a very heavy frost. I waited until the sun peeked over the houses to the east of my backyard before I grabbed my camera and went out to see what I could see.

And what did I see? Frost, lots of frost. Fallen leaves covered with tiny crystals. The garden still had a few flowers, the last ones of the season, covered with a delicate icy coating.

I took enough photographs of frost and leaves for half the photographers in Madison, and then I played in the leaves for a while. No, I didn’t roll in the leaves or jump in a pile of leaves as I did when I was a child. But I did have lots of enthusiasm as I kicked through the deep maple leaves, then watched to see how high they flew. Who knew that kicking piles of leaves was such good aerobic exercise, too!


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Bo thinks everyone in the northern climes should do leaf kicking as an exercise for the next few weeks. So fun!