Pink Zinnia


Zinnia © 2011 Bo Mackison

Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.  ~ Buddha

I have had some wonderful successes photographing the late summer gardens at Olbrich Botanical Gardens. Every garden I visited seemed to hold me hostage until I could get a some photographs that made me smile. I sure don’t mind being a hostage in a garden. Imagine having a tiny home surrounded by acres and acres of gardens (and lots of gardeners to help, too!)

I’ve been to Olbrich almost everyday for the last week. First, the hosta and elephant ear plants seemed to mesmerize me, as the early morning sunlight made the leaves almost translucent. I t was as if they were holding the sun. I almost felt like I truly was in a trance.

Three days in a row I shot nothing but these green plants, and they were only about 15 feet from the entrance to the garden complex. I just could not past this entrance area until I had nearly exhausted the plants and flowers (and myself) with all that photographic attention.

But the last two visits, I strolled right past the entrance — I waited to sneak in several more greenery photos as I was leaving — and I got as far as the gardens filled to overflowing with cosmos and zinnias. Since the cosmos are one of my favorites, I spent a fair amount of time lying on the sidewalk next to these beauties, having long conversations about important world events — like the advances autumn is making in its bid to overtake summer!

Finally, when the sun began to rise high enough in the sky to lose that soft lighting, I spent the last half hour with the zinnias. Lucky, I had the diffuser with me, so I could both reduce the shadows, and protect the flowers against the winds that started blowing off the lake.  This pink zinnia had with her head down, and so I happily got a few photographs from a different angle. I love the little pockets of shadings caused by the gentle curling of each petal.

Tomorrow the forecast is for a rainy Friday. Might have to stay home and tackle some house cleaning and computer work. That would be a good thing — plus the gardens would appreciate the rain, too.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Bo is having a most excellent start to the month of September. So many amazing projects are popping up, but no complaints. Creating and making meaning with photography is one of the highlights of her life!

Shelter from the Sun

Shelter from the Sun

Shelter from the Sun © 2011 Bo Mackison

Silence is never merely the cessation of words . . .
Rather it is the pause that holds together–
indeed, it makes sense of–
all the words, both spoken and unspoken.

Silence is the glue that connects our attitudes and our actions.
Silence is the fullness, not emptiness;
it is not absence, but the awareness of a presence.

~John Chryssavgis

Today is a day of catching-up.

Today is the day I stop procrastinating and finally cross off those two items on my to-do list that I write over and over every day. Today is laundry day and there are five piles of sorted laundry waiting for me. Today is scrub the kitchen floor day. Today is a quick weed the garden day. Today is clean out the refrigerator day.

Today I am embarking on my first afternoon of silence.

This is a plan I hope to make a weekly occurrence throughout the fall. No talking, no phone calls, no text messages, no voice mails, no emails, no computer, no radio, no iPod.

Only the natural quiet.

There will be noises from the neighborhood, birds chirping at the feeders, Jazz meowing to go in or out (wherever it is she isn’t at the moment is where she wants to be.) There is a building project several blocks away and I can hear the hammers pounding.

I have chores that have piled up, I will be busy.

I’m curious to see how mindful I can be of those activities — cleaning, laundry, sweeping, gardening. How hard will it be for me to concentrate on what I am doing for the next four hours?


Cool Colors in the Garden

Cool Blues and Greens

Cool Blues and Greens © 2011 Bo Mackison

Every gardener knows that it is the very impermanence of the garden that makes it precious.
The beauty of the garden lies in its constantly changing nature,
in the waves of colors and shapes that constantly pass through it.

~ Philip Martin

I have been to Olbrich Botanical Gardens on four different occasions to photograph these same Elephant Ear Plants. Twice I have photographed the gardens at 8 to 9 a.m. The other two times I visited the gardens later in the morning – about 10 a.m. til almost noon. Each time I have come away with markedly different photographs even though I am 1) using the same camera, lenses, and equipment including a tripod, 2)  shooting mostly in shaded areas or shot using light filtered through the plants — there has been an August bright sun with few clouds each time, and 3) I am shooting the same four or five plants.

Lighting is key in photography, and it is one of the joys and wonders I constantly work with. Light that is perfect one moment, disappears the next. As a photographer, one must seize the moment, there is no going back.

When I downloaded the photos to the computer from my last photoshoot, I was surprised to see such pronounced blue tones in the background plant. And even a few purple hues on a small part of the plant in the left lower area. The light green stem against the other deeper colors added the contrast needed to keep this from being a photograph of a bunch of foliage. And the added features of the patterns of lines and the plants’ textures are hard to beat.

A Zen sort of photograph, I can get lost in all those colors and textures.

Sure am having fun visiting these plants just about every day. Too bad they live on the other side of town!

Visit Through a Photographer’s Eye and see some remarkable photos in the photo of the week collection.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She is spending as many mornings as possible in the gardens. Prime garden time in Wisconsin and the gardens are full of treasures.

Seeking Light

Seeking Light

Seeking Light © 2011 Bo Mackison

We never care for the present moment.
We are so foolish that we wander in times that are not ours
and never think of the only time that belongs to us;
We are so frivolous that we dream of the days that are not,
and thoughtlessly pass over the only one that exists.
We never live but hope to live;
and since we are always preparing to be happy
it is inevitable that we shall never be so.
~ Blaise Pascal

While walking down Willy Street on a very quiet Sunday morning – not only are many of the stores closed on Sunday, but the road had been under construction and barely passable for months. Now that there is at least one lane access to the entire street, most people still seem to be avoiding the area. Willie Street and area is a vibrant Madison community and Sunday morning is not the time to catch the action. I was after a different sort of neighborhood portrait however, and so the timing worked fine.

I will return to Willy Street a couple more times with photography my primary mission — once to catch some people action, and at night to catch the night lights (or night life…)

Willy Street is formally Williamson Street on all the maps and street signs, but that’s way too long to say, or write, repeatedly.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She is walking up and down the streets of Madison – to see what she can see.

Patio Dining for Four

Table for Four

Table for Four © 2011 Bo Mackison

Machinery Row has a few hidden surprises worth knowing about. Sardines is a restaurant tucked behind the building – not much to see street side, but the view is lovely lake side. A close-up view of Lake Monona. I love the table settings on the outside patio. Enthusiastic diners occupied most of the tables — judging from the expressions of satisfaction and delight on their faces — but a couple of the tables were ready for new diners.

It is a sign of the times that there are paper sugar packets in the sugar bowl. I would have loved some paperless sweet stuff, but I do love the offering of the bits of bread. And the linens.

And I have been a dedicated fan of cloth tablecloths and napkins since I was a very young bride. Sherpa’s grandmother had a sense of style, and until she was in her 60s, she wouldn’t eat in a restaurant that didn’t use linens. As a young bride, when I entertained family, I would bring out the linen tablecloths, the matching napkins. It was nice, actually. Too often those lovely items stay carefully pressed and folded in bottom drawers and no one ever appreciates their beauty.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She is currently working on an urban photography project, and discovering lovely new spaces and places in Madison.