What’s New in the Gardens?

Tomatoes on the Vine

Tomatoes on the Vine © 2008 Bo Mackison

The tomatoes are so thick with blossoms and fruit this year, the tomato plants are requiring extra stakes. Good news for my salads and spaghetti sauce.

Full Moon Pumpkin

“Full Moon” Pumpkin © 2008 Bo Mackison

“Full Moon” – the ‘great white’ of pumpkins, though not really white. More pastel orange. It can grow 25-50 pounds. This pumpkin’s photograph was taken on the day of the full moon – think that makes it a lucky pumpkin?

Sweet Beauty Watermelon

“Sweet Beauty” Watermelon © 2008 Bo Mackison

The fruit of the “Sweet Beauty” is sweet and crisp. Perfect for dessert any night.

I went to our University’s Annual Field Days at their Research Gardens. There they show off all the produce of their test gardens and even provide free samples – the corn and salsa and raspberries were really perfect. Even got to vote on favorites, so maybe the tomato I loved will be in seed packets and at the garden centers in a year or two.

Giant Sunflower and New Perspective

Giant Sunflower

Giant Sunflower © 2008 Bo Mackison

When you take time out to rest your back upon the earth, and look up into the summer skies, it’s amazing what you just might see. Perhaps, like I did, you might see life from a different perspective.

Early Apples in a Crate

Crate of Apples

Crate of Apples © 2008 Bo Mackison

It seems early for apples, but the first organic fruits are taking their places in the area farmers’ markets. These are on the smaller side, but so juicy and sweet. I liked the simple fruit framed in the crate and tried it in black and white.

Early Apples

Early Apples © 2008 Bo Mackison

But I like the photo is a soft color, too. Sometimes it’s fun to just play with a photograph and see all the different techniques that speak in different ways.

Farmers’ Market Lunch

Cow Cookies from Wisconsin

Cow Cookies from Wisconsin © 2008 Bo Mackison

Dane County Farmers’ Market was in full swing this morning. I came home with vine-ripened tomatoes, corn on the cob picked at dawn this morning, green and yellow and red peppers, eight different varietals of garlic, pumpkin bread, cheese bread, ostrich burgers, and a huge bouquet of lilies and calendula. But the highlight was the purchase of pumpkin blossoms. We dipped them in egg and seasoned flour, then fried them. To round out lunch, we had grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches followed by fresh peaches.

Summer eating at its best. I’m saving my dessert-half a cow cookie-for later.

Day Lily on Fire

Red Day Lily

Red Day Lily © 2008 Bo Mackison

Doesn’t it look like it is aflame – such intensity in that yellow. Nearly glowing.