“Soprano” Vanilla Spoon

Soprano Vanilla Spoon © 2008 Bo Mackison

Osteospermum hybrid.

A fun sort of flower, this little purple blossom with spoon-like appendages.

Brocach – The Badger Den

Brocach - Gaelic for Badger Den

Brocach – Gaelic for Badger Den © 2008 Bo Mackison

For those of you not intimate with University of Wisconsin sports, the UW-Madison teams are the Badgers. As in “Go, Wisconsin Badgers!”

Brocach is the Gaelic word for Badger Den. What a great name for a Madison pub on the Capitol Square, just across the street from the State Capitol building.

This wonderful bagpiper was playing at Saturday’s Farmers Market.

Leaf after Storm

Leaf after Rain Storm

Leaf after Rain Storm © 2008 Bo Mackison

It’s been very wet in Wisconsin. We seem to be smack dab in the middle of a ‘system’ that is dumping rain and unstable weather on us. Over four inches of the stuff fell yesterday and tornadoes were spawned throughout the Midwest all weekend. I spent a few hours in Chicago on Saturday, and my husband and I dodged 4 different twisters on our 3 hour trip home. One tornado crossed an interstate highway southwest of Chicago, knocking over semis in the lanes going both directions, closing down both roads and generally causing havoc, but no injuries I heard mention.

Definitely tornado feeders visiting in the Midwest. A good day to attend to business indoors.

Cows on the Concourse

June is Dairy Month. And so on Saturday we brought the dairy to downtown Madison so lots of people could share in the cow experience.

“Cows on the Concourse” is a Madison tradition celebrating Wisconsin’s dairy industry. The state is known as “America’s Dairyland” and for good reason.

Cows Ahead

Cows Ahead © 2008 Bo Mackison

Yes, there are real cows and calves in a place of honor on the street only a hundred yards from the State Capitol building.

Cows Really ARE on Madison's Concourse

Cows Really ARE on Madison’s Concourse © 2008 Bo Mackison

Cameras were everywhere as people documented the event. Lots of kids were getting “up close and personal”, petting the cows and their babies.

Cow - Up Close and Personal

Cow – Up Close and Personal © 2008 Bo Mackison

Though at least one mama cow wasn’t too keen on the idea.

Moo-ving Milk

Moo-ving Milk © 2008 Bo Mackison

The milk was really moo-ving. At a buck a bottle, you could enjoy your favorite drink – yummy!  Though not quite fresh from the cow, you did get your choice of chocolate, strawberry or regular.

Grilling Cheese Sandwiches by the Dozens

Grilling Cheese Sandwiches by the Dozens © 2008 Bo Mackison

And to go with the milk? Why grilled cheese, of course. Another buck deal, and at a dollar for a sandwich, the lines were phenomenal. I went home and made my own.

Grilled Cheese

Grilled Cheese © 2008 Bo Mackison

What’s in the pots in the middle of these gigantic grills?  Butter, of course. Wisconsin isn’t the Dairy State for nothing!

Seeded Earth

Seeded Earth

Seeded Earth © 2008 Bo Mackison

I’m thinking I shot the background photograph for some new business cards for Seeded Earth Photography – without intentionally doing so. Simple and descriptive at the same time. A fitting piece for a photographer based in Wisconsin and the Midwest.

The plants are just peeking above ground in this field in late May. Photographed near the tip of the peninsula of Door County in Northeastern Wisconsin.