These silvery, frothy, wild-looking seed heads belong to the velvety, deep purple Pasque Flower. The flowers are lovely to see and touch, deep hued and thick like luxurious velvet.
But I’m a fan of what appears after the flowers have had their moment, these twirly, wavy seed heads, like metallic threads erupting from a milky yellow center.
Surely an alien type creature from outer space?
Just the seed head of the lovely Pasque Flower making its guarantee, that with some fancy seeding work, the flower will return next year.
Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Not only a lover of floral subjects, also a lover of twirly seed heads.
Oooo! Beautiful. I can see why you love them. 🙂
Not something you see every day. I love how they have such varied colors.
I can see why you like the aftermath, Bo. Aren’t they pretty?
The deep purple flowers are lovely, but the seed heads are by far my favorite part.
Those are very pretty! They remind me just a little of Prairie Smoke.
They do look a bit like Prairie Smoke, Montucky. That blooms later in the summer, I think…
They look like a bunch of wild-haired adolescents. Love it!
My title for a another photo of a duo of these seedheads was “Wild Hair Florals” – you got it!
Lovely and interesting flower seed heads. I really like this perspective as if they look like they are about to spin.
It was windy. I do believe they were about to spin about.
They remind me of a bunch of the mad professor in Back to The Future. 🙂
Wild adolescents? Mad professors? Yep!
These are stunning. Hope to see them one day. Nicely captured.