https://www.mbtn.net/?p=nbuo8nbbrx9 Louis Sullivan, Architect
enter site Several weekends ago I went on Wright & Like 2009: Madison, a tour of architectural wonders including homes designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and other Prairie School architects of that era. It was a wonderful experience, even though the threat of rain was ever-present. I went through six homes, including one that was open to a public tour for the first time (the John and Ruth Pew home.) It will take me a few weeks, but I’ll post photographs of the all of the homes I toured.
see url This immense home, approximately 10,800 square feet of space, was built as a wedding present for Harold C. Bradley, a professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and his fiancee, Josephine Crane, the grand-daughter of the founder of the Crane plumbing company. Her father engaged Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright’s mentor, to design the home. George Elmslie, one of the finest craftsmen in the period, did the exterior and interior woodwork and the elegant interior furnishings. The home was constructed in 1908-09. This was Louis Sullivan’s last residential undertaking, and in it he implemented many of the ideas of Wright and other Prairie School architects.

click here This is One Huge House!
follow The home, located just south of the UW campus, was too large for the lifestyles of the Bradleys, and the size of the home made it difficult for the hearing-impaired Mrs. Bradley to supervise her young children. The Bradleys therefore sold the home to the Sigma Phi fraternity in 1915 and it remains a fraternity house to this day.
source url The Wright & Like tour provided an inside tour of the house, and though no interior photographs were allowed, it is evident that the Sigma Chi’s continue to maintain this architectural gem in the fashion it was intended. (I did find a blog which shows the lovely interior of several rooms, including a photograph of the circular dining room table which accommodates 16-well worth taking a look at.)

here Built in 1909, Restored in 1972
https://geolatinas.org/f8l0tnym0g This home was nearly destroyed by a St. Patrick’s evening fire in 1972. Only one member of the fraternity was at home during the time and he escaped without injury. However, the second floor of the house was in ruins, and the first floor suffered from water and smoke damage. Due to the generosity of A. C. Nielson, the Nielson ratings guy and an alumnus of Sigma Chi, and other donors, a substantial restoration took place. Neilson and his son, also an alum, continue to assist in the support and maintenance of this architectural masterpiece.

source Architectural Details, Front Porch
follow url Elmslie designed the fretwork of the home’s exterior, including this detail which is on the enclosed front room of the house, and originally an open sleeping porch. The home’s interior woodwork and furniture retained this design, and some of it still remains in the home.
click here The home was placed on the National Historical Landmark after the restoration, a designation given to only the most historically-important buildings. It really is one of the most interesting of all the Wright-inspired homes I’ve toured, and I really have to give credit to the members of Sigma Phi who are living a part of history and taking care of a national treasure.
Tramadol Online Buy Great pictures. I love the details on the house. Its hard to believe that its a frat house now, isn’t it?
here That is indeed a historic treasure and I also applaud Sigma Phi for their caretaking of it!
Order Tramadol How awesome for a frat. I hope they appreciate what they have. Your link to the blog indicates they do.
https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/7t4b86dm Wonderful pictures.
get link Fascinating. Like so many others, I struggle with the concept of this being a fraternity house! However, I applaud the fraternity for taking such great care of this beautiful structure. Interesting post, Bo.
https://www.mreavoice.org/gnyidufnvx What a house! I would love to see the inside. Lovely details and interesting info. 🙂
http://www.mscnantes.org/k9xpbynr3a This truly is a beautiful house. I admire the ornate supports for the enclosed front room of the house. I have never seen anything like it. Thank you for sharing this amazing architecture through you excellent photos.
go here I always enjoy when you take us on one of your guided tours of an architecturally interesting house or structure. This one – is no exception.
https://danivoiceovers.com/52ivjp7 The fraternity name is actually Sigma Phi. “Sigma Chi” is a very different fraternity. Sigma Phi appreciates that our efforts in maintaining this fine house are recognized!
here Glad you enjoyed the Wright and Like Tour. I was the house captian for the Bradley house. You state that the house is 18,000 square feet. It is a big house but, it is not that big. In doing the research on the house I found the house as built to be 10,000 sq. ft.. Sullivan did an earlier even larger scheme for the Bradley House which was never built . It could have been close to 18,000 sq. ft. but, I could not find an exact reference to the size of this first scheme.
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https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/07uhrjqp I have a general idea about why they don’t allow photography inside these homes, but I’ve often thought I might be more likely to visit a place if I’ve at least had a glimpse of what’s inside.
follow What a wedding gift!
https://purestpotential.com/fyjw446jmci Great pictures, Bo.
Best Place To Order Tramadol Online Can you imagine such a gift..talk about a “Daddy’s gir!l”
I am especially looking forward to your future architecture posts.
go site I enjoyed catching up on your world. By the way…happy belated anniversary!
https://www.yolascafe.com/k1rw8krmkny Frat house? I wonder what the inside looks like.
Tramadol Overnight Mastercard As a former active of the Society, I spent many Saturday mornings keeping the house in good repair. Active members each contribute three hours weekly to cleaning, maintenance and repair.