Sunflowers at Sunset

Sunflowers at Sunset

follow link Sunflowers at Sunset ©2013 Bo Mackison Adrift in a wave of sunflowers,
adrift in a wave of humanity –
we are all one.

Cheap Tramadol By Cod ~~~~~~~~~~ Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.  Her exhibit, Tramadol Overnight Delivery Mastercard Garden Party – A Celebration of Botanical Photography, is at the Alicia Ashman Branch Library Gallery in Madison, Wisconsin and runs through September 5, 2013.  

Lessons from Desert Flowers

Rock Gilia Rock Gilia © 2012 Bo Mackison

see url        The desert’s beauty suggests patience and struggle and endurance. Even in the brightest colors of its brief spring flowers, there is something austere. ~ from The Desert Year by Joseph Wood Krutch

enter site Most of the desert flowers are mere specks on the ground. If there are dozens of them, the color is fairly noticeable, but if there are only two or three quarter-inch blossoms sprawling against a bit of green leaf and a lot of gravelly desert floor, it takes some careful observations to see those pretty little things. Of course, in the desert, the smaller, the better chance at survival. A flower, or leaf on a shrub for that matter, that is minute requires considerably less moisture for survival than a flower or leaf a hundred times that size. Adaptation of the species, as we know it.

Blooming Aloe

click Blooming Aloe © 2012 Bo Mackison

Tramadol Online Uk Notice how present a flower is, how it has surrendered to life. ~ Eckhart Tolle Of course, the cacti and the succulents found in the desert have a totally different way to guarantee a flowering season, necessary for the continuation of the species. (No flowers, no seeds. No seed, no new flower).

Ordering Valium Online Australia This aloe is a succulent and has adaptive measures for desert survival. Succulents (and cacti, too) have the ability to suck up water when it does rain and then store it in large quantities. These plants send shallow roots in a wide circumference around the plant, and so the root absorbs the water before it evaporates. And when a succulent, like this bright-orange, flowering aloe, traps water in its system, its waxy surface helps keep the water in the plant and reduces water lost to evaporation.

go to link We humans could learn much by consulting with nature and her ways:

  • Assess our weaknesses and strengths – bolster our weaknesses and play to our strengths.
  • Be resourceful and use our resources wisely. Do not use more natural resources than we need. Consider needs vs. wants.
  • Share your beauty, whether it be small and hidden, delicate and ethereal, or bright and showy.  

From My Desert Journal

Sonoran Desert

get link Sonoran Desert © 2012 Bo Mackison West, beyond the terraced land of copper mines the earth coughs up mesquite and creosote,
layered gravels holding tight the bushes’ roots, thorn scrub this land is called,
or desert scrub, a swaying land, dizzying,
blinding to my eyes unaccustomed to the torrential whites
of desert light, swaying, undulating, until the scrub becomes desert, the cacti appear.

Cheap Tramadol Look and see the mountains rising from sea-level-deserts to miles-high-tundra, scan the landscape, the topography,
fifty miles in the distance there are observatories on Kitt Peak.
I see white domes. Pale earth, palest of terra cotta, red ocher,
burnt sienna, burnt umber – a Renaissance painter’s palette,
the minerals – Sonoran desert colors.

Tramadol Legal To Order Online Sky paint? The sky’s sapphire blue,
not mineral but precious gem, deepest hue of blue,
no smudges on the blue bowl. Pure blue, it carries my eye into infinity.

Distant Mountain Distant Mountain © 2012 Bo Mackison Distant mountains watch from their blue-grayed peaks,
peaks moored by centuries-old anchors, desert sands,
lands rolling ridge over ridge, cracked by water-carved-arroyos.
There is beauty in such surroundings. Mountains interrupt the repetitions of waves,
a woven landscape of constancy,
the earth remains the same until close inspection uncovers an unsuspected diversity.
My mouth drops open, my eyes widen, my senses awaken.

here Rough edges burnished with desert varnish,
polished in black patina, countless layers of microscopic colonies,
millenial crusts cover mountain faces.

enter site Ever present guardians play their roles, here
in the desert – silent cacti, arid plants,
grasses growing amidst the sounds – calls, yips, whistles,
whispers, and yearnings carried upon the winds.

Standing in my circle of silence, the desert quiets.
I hear nothing, feel nothing except the sun and my own breathing.
I breathe — slow inhales, slow exhales — I breathe for the desert earth.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She is exploring the Sonoran Desert.

Frosty Pastels – Contemplating What Isn’t in What Is

Frosted Pastels

Frosted Pastels © 2011 Bo Mackison

If you really want to see something,
look at something else.
If you want to say what something is,
inspect something that it isn’t.
If you want to see the invisible world
look at the visible one.
If you want to know what East really is,
look North.
If you have a question concerning the sea,
look at the mountains….
– Howard Nemerov, ON METAPHOR

This is a simple photograph, a nature photograph. Pleasing pastel colors, a fringe of frost of the dogwood leaves sparkling in the early morning sunlight. The colors reflect the gradual changes of impending cold – greens fading to pale greens, greens turning into pinks, then reds, deepening further into purples.

This simple photograph tells me of the winter that always comes, of the sun that rises every morning, of the deciduous leaves that follow the cycles of the seasons. That there is beauty in simplicity and change and the infinite passing of time.

If we look, stay aware, accept, reach out, take one step further, give thanks.

If I want to understand the invisible, look at the visible. Study that which is changing in my outside world to aid me in understanding the changes in my internal world.

If I really want to see something, I look at something else. Compare. Contrast. Grasp the subtleties, observe the obvious.

Mix it all together, let it simmer, cool, then enjoy.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Bo is examining the winter in anticipation of her visit to the desert.

Seeing in the Desert

Crested Saguaro - Exposed

Crested Saguaro © 2011 Bo Mackison

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher in a storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.
~ Rabindranath Tagore

Sometimes what I see as I photograph a subject is not what anyone else might see.
Sometimes what I remember seeing is not what the pixels captured.
Sometimes I recapture the magic of what I saw using the “magic” of post-processing.

Sometimes photography is similar to appreciating that the clouds color the sunset sky.


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She loves the Sonoran Desert, and she loves what she sees in the desert, too.