Changing Directions Changing Directions

Order Cheap Tramadol Cod The Seeded Earth blog hit the 25,000 mark yesterday, what I consider a milestone for both my blog and for me.

Tramadol Online Nz When I initially decided to do a daily photo blog, I was floundering around on hard ground and needed to find a softer landing place and an anchor. I eventually concluded I needed to set a goal and then work hard to reach it. I needed to do something that would not allow me to withdraw into the dark, but find light and walk towards it. The idea I came up with seemed simple enough. I would get out of the house and take photographs. Then I would post one every day on my blog. A routine. A new beginning. I would post daily for a year – 366 photos. (Leap year!)

go And so I started posting photos – the plan began on October 6, 2007. I’d been posting prairie photos for awhile, but without any real intention of posting ‘good’ photographs. Now suddenly I wanted to improve the quality of my pictures, do real ‘photography’ – whatever that is. πŸ™‚ I knew little about my camera or it’s capabilities, nothing at all about post-processing. I had an art background so at least I had some design and color awareness, but that was about all. I started anyway. For a long time, it was the one consistent thing in my life. Post a photo every day. And as time passed, I started learning more – some camera things by just doing and practicing, some suggestions from kind fellow photo bloggers who offered me direction, and some basics from books and other photo sites. That photo a day was helping.

go As the weeks and then months passed, I started making connections with the world away from my computer screen too. And my light got even brighter. I finally had enough light so that I could begin to see where I was going. Now I am thinking of heading in a new direction, and here’s where things start getting a little weird for me.

go to site I find it amazing, but I am getting lots of queries from people wishing to purchase my photographs. I can scarcely believe that in the first place, nor can I believe what I am considering doing to deal with these requests. (This is territory way out of my safety zone – I am about a 95% introvert.) Anyway, I am exploring the idea of setting up of a small photography business. (Hmm. This will require some considerable consideration.) I use the name of my youth, Bo, for most of my other creative pursuits and so I’m going to photograph under that name, too. And from now on, I’ll write my blog under that name.

Buy Discount Tramadol And so today Barbara magically turns into Bo and my avatar turns into the loopy tree photo above. And if plans continue to unfold, Seeded Earth Photography just may bloom sometime later this year. (The whole idea still makes me jumpy inside). πŸ™‚ Thanks to all of you who check out the Seeded Earth. You have all made a big difference in my life. Oh, and say hello to Bo. Unknown species of tree.
Olbrich Gardens
Madison, Wisconsin About Bo Mackison I'm a photographer, book-artist, traveler, naturalist, and creator of the Contemplative Creatives Journey, An Online Workshop and Community and click here Desert Wisdom Cards and Workshops. Though often not well known, I find the desert a welcoming place - a healing space. Its mysteries and gifts transformed me several years ago. Since that first encounter, I return again and again to fill my well in what most people think of as a desolate region. I'd love to share my desert discoveries and wisdom with you. Please subscribe to receive my five part mini email course Tramadol Online Overnight Mastercard The Gifts of the Desert. It's my gift to you.


  1. Hey, Barbara, sorry Bo, congrats on your hits and I wish you lots of luck with the next step in your life of selling your photography. Not an easy road but a challenging one – go for it girl! Lesley

  2. Hello Bo! πŸ™‚ I sure understand where you’ve been. My walk into photography, seriously, began 4 short months ago and it has opened vistas in my life that I wasn’t even aware of from within to without.

    You have posted fantastic, artistic, and beautiful photos. I really like the name ‘Seeded Earth Photography.’ Congrats on your milestones, those wonderful hits, and your beginning new venture. πŸ™‚

  3. Will Bo still do snow (at least during the winter)?

    Go for it.

  4. Congratulations, Bo. πŸ™‚ You’ve hit quite a few milestones on your photography adventure. Well done!

    I’ll be watching what you do as far as setting up a photography business. I’ve sold a couple of photos via requests from the internet, but haven’t gotten the gumption or nerve to set up a business.

    “Seeded Earth Photography” is a wonderful name. I wish you all the best with your new venture into the world of photography. πŸ™‚

  5. What a wonderful thing to hear! I, too, have been on the edge of taking “the leap” and your commitment to do it might just be the shove I needed.

    Congrats Bo!

  6. That’s wonderful. (I have altered my blogroll accordingly) I’m thrilled your moving into selling. I can understand the hesitant aspect of this… spooky move. However, you have so much talent and such a great eye I cannot see it going anywhere but good places. Blessings sunshine!!

  7. congratulations for
    honoring your muse
    pushing your limits
    and sharing your creativity!

  8. ladypercy says


  9. Hello, Bo πŸ™‚ I think that this is the first time I’ve commented here, although I’ve had you on my blogroll for some time and come by to visit regularly.

    How exciting it is to read how Life is taking a passion of yours, and you now have the opportunity to make it into Something More. This is VERY inspiriting to me. Thanks for sharing it and all the best to you as you branch out into your new endeavor(s).

  10. montucky says

    Congratulations on hitting that milestone! I sure wish you very much success if you do decide to set up a business! Go for it!

  11. Bo, my fellow hermit friend, you know how I feel, but I’ll say it anyway. You go girl!! I think it’s a grand idea!

    I think the loopy tree avatar is perfect too!

    Congratulations on your evolution!

    Ps I love the Solitude image too!

  12. Hi Bo,

    Congratulation! The Seeded Earth blog has hit 25,000 mark since it began on October 6, 2007. I understand your Google PageRank is PR5 and it is a very good achievement and success considering that it is only within six months!

    The Seeded Earth and you are valued by none other than Google and your hard work has paid off.

    Well Done Barbara, sorry! Bo


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