Ivory Bar Goddess © 2008 Bo Mackison
Who decorates these cruise ships, anyway? I admit some areas in the ship are wonderful, but here is a photograph of the ‘Ivory Bar’ goddess. Hmm. First there are white plastic 6-foot-tall elephant tusks along the walls and now I see colorful murals on all flat surfaces of, uh, I think they’re goddesses of some sort. I never was any good at mythology.
I love the painting itself, but it is in an interesting location.Had to share. She is rather fun.
Very colorful painting, I always likes Indiana paintings a lot of bold and vivid colors. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Oops.. I just wrote Indiana instead of Indian can you tell where I am from ? 🙂
very intricate kitsch. koons would approve
Different is right, but I like it.
Rad Pix. Love iguana.
Bernie, My question is, does Indiana have bold, vivid colors, too.
jpt, Koons would charges $24 million though.
Robin, thank God there IS different in this world.
She looks like the older, heavier mother of Kali, the mother goddess. Looks like she’s been cruisin’ a bit long.
Cute picture
Wow, she’s got more double chins than I do. Cool! 🙂
very cool for sure!
Very Interesting pic. May look better after a few drinks