Garden Path

Willow in Reflection

Cheapest Tramadol Overnight Willow in Reflection © 2008 Bo Mackison

enter site I walked along a shaded path, drifting in and out of the shadows – sometimes held in the warmth of the sun, sometimes wrapped in the coolness of the breeze skipping off the water’s surface. And once I stopped and took in my deepest breath, the inhale of the sweetest scent of Spring, and stood silently, listening to the secrets of life whispering about me.

see url About Bo Mackison I'm a photographer, book-artist, traveler, naturalist, and creator of the Contemplative Creatives Journey, An Online Workshop and Community and Desert Wisdom Cards and Workshops. Though often not well known, I find the desert a welcoming place - a healing space. Its mysteries and gifts transformed me several years ago. Since that first encounter, I return again and again to fill my well in what most people think of as a desolate region. I'd love to share my desert discoveries and wisdom with you. Please subscribe to receive my five part mini email course The Gifts of the Desert. It's my gift to you.


  1. enter site True Beauty – so peaceful!

  2. montucky says

    Tramadol Overnight Shipping Visa What a beautiful spot! You captured it well with your image and your words!

  3. What a beautiful spot to take a deep breath and breath in the peace. You captured the essence wonderfully!

  4. enter site Beautiful photo and what you shared. A deep quality. 🙂

  5. Really gorgeous. I love the peaceful tone to this shot. Very beautiful – now there is a spot it would be impossible to be stressed at.

  6. source Extremely placid & peaceful. Were there any fish?

  7. go to link Peaceful and beautiful, Bo. Both words and photo. 🙂

  8. Beautiful! The blue of the still blue water invites one to peer into it and contemplate your words. You produce the most beautiful photos.

  9. follow site Thanks,everyone. It was a very tranquil spot.

    Tramadol Online Usa Gandalf – no fish, not even koi.;-)

    go here Aiyana – I do like your idea of peering into the water to see what thoughts you may find. 🙂

  10. Online Tramadol Overnight Looks like a nice place to sit and read a book.

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