Lake and Pier in November Fog

Lake Mendota

Lake Mendota

Madison was fogged in today, but it wasn’t my best day for photography. Early this morning, with the fog swirling around the second story window of my studio, I removed the screen from the window. Then I preset my camera and set it up on the tripod for a skyward shot. Hundreds of Canada Geese have been flying past my window several times a day, and with the fog as a background, I thought I’d take advantage of this photo op. When I heard the honking, I sprang into action, but in my hurry to get the window cranked open, I forgot -sigh!  -to remove the lens cover. By the time I realized my error, I missed the moment of the flyover.

The day doesn’t get much better. I went to Lake Mendota and shot a few photographs of the fogged-in lake, then drove to a prairie about a half hour from my home. The fog had settled into a crevice, and hovered magically over the gap. I walked in to get some shots. I had only taken four photos when my battery, without warning, died. No problem. I always carry a second battery, but when I searched my camera bagg – no battery. By this time, my hands were cold, and I was gettting a bit cranky, so I chalked the day up to bad karma, and headed home.

Once home, I again searched for the missing battery – and found it right where it was supposed to be. IN my camera bag!

Yep, one of THOSE days!

About Bo Mackison

I'm a photographer, book-artist, traveler, naturalist, and creator of the Contemplative Creatives Journey, An Online Workshop and Community and Desert Wisdom Cards and Workshops. Though often not well known, I find the desert a welcoming place - a healing space. Its mysteries and gifts transformed me several years ago. Since that first encounter, I return again and again to fill my well in what most people think of as a desolate region. I'd love to share my desert discoveries and wisdom with you. Please subscribe to receive my five part mini email course The Gifts of the Desert. It's my gift to you.


  1. I’ve had a few of *THOSE* days too! LOL! Still nice to peek out into that fog though.

  2. Oh nice! I like the composition and treatment in b&w.

  3. I loved your write up. The battery in the bag must have topped your day. Dont’ feel bad, Anna and I have driven miles in search of photos and come home with nothing to speak of. Then in the backyard the sun cuts through the picket fence hitting a blade of grass with a florescent color butterfly sitting on it. Usually the best shots come to you.

  4. It’s brave of you to admit it. It gives hope to the rest of us who have not-such-perfect days, too.

  5. A relief to know that I’m not the only one who has one of THOSE kinds of days…
    Love the mood you’ve captured here. The fog rendered in b&w is perfect!!!

  6. Ditto to the above. I love the moodiness of the photo.

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