The last day lily in a series of three titled Hot Summer Lilies – all in the hot colors of summer. Yellow. Red. Orange. Photographed at dusk in mosquito friendly Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, Wisconsin. About Bo Mackison
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source site That’s another wonderful burst of color! The hottest of colors for a hot summer, montucky! I love the blending of colors and the visual texture.
follow site Day lilies really do have a lot of texture, lots of interesting curves, and colors. I love these lilies.
Msj Valium Buy “Mosquito friendly” …. love it. 🙂
enter site Oh yes! Definitely mosquito friendly. I had mosquito goop on everything except my hands. Then I set my camera on my tripod for a shot, walked a few steps away to check something, and when I looked back at my camera, there were at least a dozen mosquitoes on my camera — and my camera all metal and glass, but probably had my sweat on it from the muggy evening. Oh, yes. Mosquitoes are real garden lovers, too!!
enter site lol! “Mosquito friendly.” It’s like that here too. We’re also deer fly friendly in the Bogs.
go to site I’ve been drawn to the color orange lately. Not sure why. This is a gorgeous example of it. Sensuous beauty!! Absolutely stunning!
Buying Tramadol From India Ah, bright and beautiful!
Cheapest Tramadol Cod This is such a delightful abstract. The color, the motion, the breathtaking heat of summer, all in one photograph.