Magnolia’s Secret

Magnolias Secret © 2010 Bo Mackison Magnolia's Secret © 2010 Bo Mackison

Purchase Tramadol Cod Shipping This particular magnolia blossom is one of the “little girl” magnolias; she is called “Pinkie.” It is a saucer magnolia and is one of the first trees to bloom in early spring. The blooms are huge, sometimes as large as 7 inches across, pale red-purple on the outside, and with white interiors. This magnolia usually blooms in southern Wisconsin in late April through mid-May, but this year Mother Nature has been kind to us northerners, and it feels like we’ve had May weather all for much of the month of April. Because of the warmer weather, most of the magnolias are past their peak, though a few of the late bloomers are prime now. Happily, the crab apple blossoms are coming in profusely, and with great colors. I walked around the arboretum grounds a couple of evenings ago, and the scents from the various blossoming trees — crabapple, pear, magnolia, a bit of lilac — ah, surely a bit of heaven!

see url I’ve really been enjoying using my Olympus 50 mm, f/2.0 lens for some close ups of the blossoms this spring. It’s the lens I take off my camera in favor of the more all-purpose zooms, and forget about. Then one day I look in my case, and see this little lens all tucked in and waiting. I’m always happy when I decide to  add the discipline of using a only prime lens for a while.

click here About Bo Mackison

follow link I'm a photographer, book-artist, traveler, naturalist, and creator of the Contemplative Creatives Journey, An Online Workshop and Community and Desert Wisdom Cards and Workshops. Though often not well known, I find the desert a welcoming place - a healing space. Its mysteries and gifts transformed me several years ago. Since that first encounter, I return again and again to fill my well in what most people think of as a desolate region. I'd love to share my desert discoveries and wisdom with you. Please subscribe to receive my five part mini email course The Gifts of the Desert. It's my gift to you.


  1. Anna Surface says

    get link Oh! How beautiful! I love magnolias. This image reveals the soft and unfolding of the magnolia, and pretty in pink. I’d like to get more into close-ups and macros this spring… all I have to do is take the lens out. I bet it was heaven walking around the arboretum grounds. 🙂

  2. It looks like a promise–all beautiful and new.

  3. Order Tramadol Cod Exquisite detail. Love the softness..the colors. And – I’m ready anytime you are to get ourselves together and on track..:-).
    Let’s talk..

  4. watch Pretty flower all right. The blossoms sure are a welcome sight after all the cold and snow.

  5. How beautiful! I love the color and the composition.

  6. Tramadol Online Overnight Mastercard shy, almost beckoningly coy.

  7. click here Love love love this photo. It is simply exquisite and definitely a favorite of mine now.

  8. Tramadol Cheap Prices This is such a graceful and beautiful image. I own a 50mm lens and have only used it once or twice. I really need to get reacquainted with it — especially if it would bring beautiful results like you have achieved in this image!

  9. follow url beautiful shot, love the colors!

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