Usually these are perky spring flowers, eager and willing to stand erect, raise their faces towards the sun. But the daffodils are feeling a need for some protection, so they are bent low to the ground, staying closer to the warmer earth, staying out of the wind gusts.
Nature is filled with wisdom. When the wind dies down and the sun pops out of the clouds, these daffodils will pop right up too. Undefeated by a little fickle weather.
A good lesson to learn. When faced with blustery conditions, keep your head protected and weather the storm. When the wind shifts, and the skies show blue, you’ll be in position to take on the day with a smile and renewed determination.
Give em Hell, little flowers. Stand up and fight for Spring.
Maybe I should stand on the side and do cheer leading? 🙂
These look like they are tired of the rain and the wind. But it is nice to see flowers after half a year of snow!!!
They’ll revive and give us a few more days of color once the sun re-appears. Thanks for stopping and commenting.