Plans, Changes – and a Discussion with My Inner Gremlin

follow url Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. ~ Lao Tzu


Recently I’ve been working with change.

Order Tramadol India This season is already a bit too hectic for a hardcore introvert, with the approaching holidays and much anticipated visits from relatives traveling to the Midwest from “sea to shining sea.” After the holidays, there will be whirlwind packing, cross-country travel, and then a transition from snowy Wisconsin to sunny Arizona. (Yes, though I am looking forward to Arizona, it is still change, and even a much wanted change requires time for adaptation.)

Order Tramadol Mexico And if this wasn’t enough for a busy December, I also chose to take big steps in my business. I launched my new website, one that feels in sync with who I am, and what I want to offer. I announced my intentions for the coming year – Focus Sessions, workshops, and a Desert Wisdom Retreat.

And then I heard my inner gremlin say, “Just what the heck do you here think you are go site doing?”

follow url It was a perfectly understandable question from my gremlin. (Her name is Miss Patsy, by the way, and she is a re-incarnation of my third grade teacher who had very high standards, never to be met in this world or the next.)  Yes, this was a typical response to lots of changes, to stepping up my game, but it caught me off guard and threw me far off-balance. I felt as if I were staggering everywhere I walked.

see url Eventually I stopped and took a great many deep breaths. Then I invited my inner gremlin to join me at a local coffee shop, pen and paper in hand, and I began to free write, letting Miss Patsy take turns when she had something to say. While Miss Patsy kept flinging words at the paper, like “imposter” and “too big for your britches”, I explored my present, where I have been, and where I want to go. And finally, my inner gremlin quieted. And so did I.


I re-affirmed that I am on the right path. This is indeed my journey. I will journey on my own timetable, but I will journey.

watch And as I squirmed in my seat and got myself comfortable, I settled into the changes. It felt just right.

Order Tramadol Overnight I discovered new energy and creative determination, and yes, a lot of excitement and grand anticipation, as I take my next steps, one baby step at a time. Hope you will be joining me!

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enter About Bo Mackison

Purchase Tramadol Online Cod I'm a photographer, book-artist, traveler, naturalist, and creator of the Contemplative Creatives Journey, An Online Workshop and Community and Desert Wisdom Cards and Workshops. Though often not well known, I find the desert a welcoming place - a healing space. Its mysteries and gifts transformed me several years ago. Since that first encounter, I return again and again to fill my well in what most people think of as a desolate region. I'd love to share my desert discoveries and wisdom with you. Please subscribe to receive my five part mini email course Order Valium Overnight Delivery The Gifts of the Desert. It's my gift to you.


  1. go to site You’ve learned well, grasshopper!

  2. Tara Leaver says

    see Bo I love this, and find I have been experiencing something similar as a kind of ‘backlash’ to having stepped up more than I ever have before recently. I particularly liked where you said “even a much wanted change requires time for adaptation”. I forget and don’t allow it for myself, and am grateful for the reminder. Here’s to stepping up and letting ourselves own it {for want of a better way of putting it}. 🙂
  3. Order Tramadol Online Overnight Delivery Sounds like you’re on the road to an exciting adventure. 🙂
  4. It’s such a horrible squishing feeling. Glad you’ve moved past it!

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  5. go to site This indeed IS your journey – :-)!
  6. go site Sounds very cool. Good luck. I like the feel of your new digs