Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein, sitting cross-legged rather like a Buddha, is one of 5 statues in Bryant Park. It’s prominently located on the terrace, on the park side of the New York Public Library. The cast was done by Jo Davidson in 1923, long before Stein had become famous as a literary figure and supporter, and was installed in the park in 1992. Amazing to me, this was the first public statue of an American woman placed in the whole of New York City, and that was done only 17 years ago.

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go I'm a photographer, book-artist, traveler, naturalist, and creator of the Contemplative Creatives Journey, An Online Workshop and Community and go to link Desert Wisdom Cards and Workshops. Though often not well known, I find the desert a welcoming place - a healing space. Its mysteries and gifts transformed me several years ago. Since that first encounter, I return again and again to fill my well in what most people think of as a desolate region. I'd love to share my desert discoveries and wisdom with you. Please subscribe to receive my five part mini email course The Gifts of the Desert. It's my gift to you.

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  1. follow Would have never thought that there was a statue of Gertrude Stein anywhere. And – she does look just a little like buddha sitting there. Great capture!
  2. go site I like this work, it has a certain life to it.

  3. I love this photo of the Stein Buddha. Didn’t know it existed. I’m appalled at this; “first public statue of an American woman placed in the whole of New York City, and that was done only 17 years ago.” How can that possibly be? Just when I thought we’d made progress, I hear a stat like that. Fun to see your photos of NYC. Have there been any surprises, disappointments? Do you miss the Midwest?

  4. Very neat Buddha like Stein statue. 🙂

  5. She does look very Buddha-like. I really like this. Great capture, Bo.

  6. Thanks for taking this photo! A picture of this statue appears on my 1973 Vintage Books Edition of ‘Everybody’s Autobiography.’ The credit to Davidson’s statue says it is located in the Whitney Museum of American Art. I was going to look for it there – but you’ve helped me with your post!

  7. suehenryphotography says As I visit your blog I often wonder which I enjoy more — the “tid-bits of information” or the featured image. Your blog is unique and special as it nearly always has both elements.