It’s summer!
Wisconsin went from damp, gray spring to sunny and in the nineties in ten days. The temperature outside feels just as hot and steamy as the flower looks — as if the heat is rising from its inner surface.
Sure, it’s an out of focus trick of the camera, an extremely shallow depth of field, but this photograph seemed to sum up this steamy, summery day better than the other, perfectly focused photographs.
Isn’t that a rather ironic name for this flower – the blanket flower! Just the thought of a warm blanket makes me head to the kitchen for a glass of ice water.
I’m smiling, though, with that glass of ice water in my hand!
Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Yesterday she removed the flannel sheets and three blankets from her bed and replaced them with cooling bamboo sheets!
I can see the steam rising from that blossom. We got up to about 76 today here and it was far too hot for me! I doubt that I could survive the 90’s.
How did you ever tolerate Arizona if 70s is hot for you? 🙂 Amazing how we adapt to the weather we live in, yes?
Great colors. I’ll bet that would make a lovely photo. 🙂
So true. It WOULD make a lovely photo!
Gorgeous, Bo! The colors are amazing, and very summery indeed.
It went right into summer here, too. 90s today.
I like a moderate summer–none of that humid stuff for me, please. But I do love to see the sun shining!
Hmm…I wonder why it is named the Blanket Flower, when it flowers when you least need a blanket?
The flowers fill in rather thick, blanketing the plant with color. Though it is such a “hot” feeling plant, reminds me of a blanket. 🙂