http://www.mscnantes.org/vgr0xuipe7 Quest in the Desert © 2014 Bo Mackison
Q is for QUEST
enter There are some alluring words that begin with the letter Q.
https://geolatinas.org/uouog0evh QUEST is one of my favorites. A QUEST is a long, sometimes arduous search for something, often requiring overcoming great challenges.
Order Tramadol Online Canada I’ve been on my own QUEST these last months, trying to recover from a month of challenges that occurred last May. Since the triggers were an unfortunate string of travel delays, I downplayed the stress and assumed that as soon as I reached the familiarity of home all would be well. But all did not go well.
source url Instead I struggled, day after day, and QUESTIONED why I was having such a difficult summer. No matter how hard I worked using the tools — meditation, art, writing, nature — that had provided me with much relief over the last seven years, I couldn’t QUIET the constant panic, the periods of difficulty leaving my house, even the need to return to my home when I was in a familiar and pleasurable place. Then there were the times I wanted to just QUIT, so frustrated was I with the situation.
https://www.yolascafe.com/em72lr4sn In the last weeks, I’ve been able to put the pieces of the puzzle together with the help of a dedicated medical team. But the effort has cost me time and energy. And so I am calling it QUITS on the alphabet posts so that I can conserve energy and move on to new projects that are currently percolating.
Buy Cheapest Tramadol The lesson learned? Never be afraid to ask for help when necessary. Never, ever!
go to link ~~~~~~~~~~
enter The alphabet series will (quite probably) return for its 9th annual appearance towards the end of 2015.