Autumn Winds

Autumn Winds Autumn Winds © 2013 Bo Mackison “The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the country slowly changes from summer cottons into its winter wools.”
~ Henry Beston

It must have something to do with the middle of October. Early autumn outdid itself with sunny days and mild, breezy nights. Then October reached its halfway point, and the skies turned dark, the clouds gathered in layers of grays.  Now the strong winds gust and swirl and the leaves either hang on tightly, or they whip off the branches and take flight before darting to the earth.

The first weeks of autumn were truly autumn.

Tramadol Online Overnight 180 But the last weeks of October have a wintry feel, and signal the approaching long chill. —————— Bo Mackison is the photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.  She will take photos of autumn until there is no autumn left to photograph.


Red Maple and Early Morning Sun

Early Morning Sunlight on Red Maple Red Maple and the Early Morning Sun Turning toward the other side of light,
In a tower of wind, a tree idling in air,
Beyond my own echo,
Neither forward nor backward,
Unperplexed, in a place leading nowhere.

see url ~ Theodore Roethke,  from “Journey to the Interior”

The last few mornings have been both ordinary and extra-ordinary.

go to site This morning I was in my backyard watching the sunrise as I have done the past few days. The sun is hidden behind a large stand of trees, so I don’t see the sun as it peeks over the horizon. Instead I see the sun’s first light rays not in the sky, but as the light strikes the tops of trees  several blocks away from my home. Then I wait about five minutes, and I am treated to one of nature’s finest gifts – and it takes place in my backyard.

I watch as the sun’s rays hit the very top of the red maple in my yard.

enter site The maple has just begun to change colors, and the colors change from top to bottom. The maple reminds me of a giant green candle, and the candle’s flame? The red leaves flashing in the early morning sunlight. ——————— Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She quickly pulled on a jacket and a warm hat to take photographs of the red maple in the early morning sun. Unfortunately, she went out wearing only socks on her feet, and had to come inside quickly because her feet were wet and cold.

Autumn’s Hello?

Leafy Shadow

source url Leafy Shadow © 2011 Bo Mackison

Is this early autumn’s hello? These shadows of a breeze-inspired dance imprinted on this golden leaf? Those hidden leaves — my camera records only their browned shadow, though they are green for a few more weeks perhaps. Remnants of late summer, hugging the earth to escape the cooling nights.

I notice the sun’s lateness in rising and its hasty departure at suppertime.

No more suppers on the porch, taking in the last hours of daylight. No more thrown together meals. Lounging on the porch, munching salads and sandwiches, stripping corn off the cob, typewriter style, re-filling our glasses of iced tea repeatedly.

Now supper wears an air of autumn formality. A tablecloth is spread on the polished wood. Fiesta Ware replaces the old plaid Melmac. Autumn meals require tableware for thick stews and casseroles, mashed vegetables.

I put the gallon glass jar for sun tea on the storage shelf in the basement next to the summer dishes.

The garden flowers have turned to seed.

They stand tall, awaiting the winter birds who will be eager to find a meal in January.


Sunlit Leaf

Sunlit Leaf

Sunlit Leaf © 2011 Bo Mackison

Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain. ~ Henry David Thoreau

“An insect view of its plain.”

I love that description of my kind of macro-photography, written by none other than Thoreau. It seems I do explore the world of insects, though I am not in search of the creepy crawlers, only in search of the way the sun lights the back of a leaf, the way the ripple of the leaf adds dimension, the many shades of the yellows and oranges.

A magical world exists close to the earth.

Thai Pavilion – Ten Years Ago

Thai Pavillion and Gardens

Thai Pavilion and Gardens

Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.  ~James Thurber

A pavilion, or sala, is a common structure in Thailand. Simply constructed pavilions are found throughout the country, often at roadsides, and are used as shelters from rain and heat.

Olbrich’s Pavilion is more ornate than traditional salas; it is more representative of those found at a temple or on a palace grounds. However, Olbrich’s Thai Pavilion is not a religious structure.

The Thai Pavilion was a gift to the University of Wisconsin-Madison from the Thai Government and the Thai Chapter of the Wisconsin Alumni Association. The University of Wisconsin at Madison has one of the largest Thai student populations of any United States college or university, and many Thai people have a strong relationship with the people of Wisconsin.

Thai Pavillion with Tropical Plantings

Thai Pavillion with Tropical Plantings

Thai artisans built the pavilion in Thailand by hand. It was constructed without the use of any nails or screws, using  traditional building methods. It was then disassembled and packed in shipping crates. The crated pavilion traveled by sea, rail and truck, arriving in Madison after 11 weeks of global travel.

Nine Thai artisans who built the Pavilion in Thailand flew from their home country to Chicago on 9-11-01, exactly 10 years ago today. The artisans were on the very last plane to fly into O’Hare International Airport in Chicago on that fateful day, on 9-11-01, the day of the terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania.

The Thai Pavilion was carefully assembled in three weeks by these artisans, as most Americans attempted to understand and cope with the 9-11 tragedy. Building the pavilion without hammer or saw was quiet, solemn work. The raising of this meaningful structure, a treasured gift from Thailand, was in strong contrast to the tragedy that occurred on 9-11.

Thai Water Feature and Bridge over Starkweather

Thai Fountain and Bridge over Starkweather

The Thai Garden looks much like a lush, tropical garden, but it has been scrupulously planted with look-alike, Wisconsin-hardy plants. Ornamental grasses and a variety of hardy bamboos help create the tropical look. Large-leafed shrubs and trees are also pruned to simulate the  look of typical Thai plants found in gardens there.

The Thai Garden is connected to the other gardens in Olbrich by a 155-foot arched, ornamental bridge that crosses Starkweather Creek. A winding path passes through a forested area and features several stone statues that are symbolic Thai figures. The path eventually leads to a grassy clearing and then the side entrance to the Pavilion.

The fountain stretches from the Pavilion towards the bridge. The large water basin is only a few inches deep, but has a layer of smooth gray pebbles on the bottom which adds constantly changing visual details.

The Thai Pavilion is only one of four located outside of Thailand. The others are in Germany, Norway, and Hawaii. Olbrich’s Thai Pavilion is the only one in the world that is surrounded by tropical plantings, so it is truly representative of the pavilions or salas that are found in Thailand.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She spent the morning at the Thai Pavilion, sitting quietly on a bench near the pavilion and the tropical-looking plants, amidst much beauty and calm. And she thought about many things.