My Red Maple

Red Maple III My Red Maple © 2011 Bo Mackison

Tramadol Overnight Paypal If you would ask me what my favorite thing about my home, I would ask do you mean inside my home or outside? No matter, my answer is similar. The favorite part of the inside of my home are the windows that overlook my backyard – one in my studio, one in my kitchen, one in my family room – and from which I have a perfect view of my red maple tree. And the favorite thing that is outside my home? Yes, that same gorgeous red maple tree.

Red, Red, Red

source url Red, Red, Red © 2011 Bo Mackison

watch This is the red maple tree Sherpa and I planted 5 years ago on our 30th wedding anniversary. The maple tree that was eight feet tall and two inches in diameter when we planted it, and is now taller than our two-story house. I don’t have an exact figure on the diameter, but it is at least nine inches at the base.

get link My red maple leaves slowly change from green to red, beginning at its crown, and slowly creeping down until the entire tree is one huge crimson-red glow. My favorite time of day to watch the maple is about thirty minutes after sunrise–the tree’s bright red leaves shimmer and flicker in the sunlight.

enter site The tree is often at its peak color for a couple of weeks every October. I thought the prediction for rain and colder temperatures for the last few days would have an effect on the tree, but the tree is still holding most of its leaves. That makes me happy. Yep, I guess that makes me one happy tree hugger!

Growing Maple

Buy Cheap Tramadol Mastercard Growth © 2011 Bo Mackison Our maple tree has grown so fast, it truly outgrew its trunk. The trunk split all around to accommodate its increase in size. Some longitudinal splits are caused by rapid fluctuations in temperatures which cause a tree like the thin-barked maples to thaw and then freeze repeatedly. My red maple has these cracks but they heal over and have not caused damage to the tree.

source link This is one of the benefits of Wisconsin living — greetings from my red maple when it is dresses in its autumn red!

see url ——————–

follow Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She falls in love every autumn — with the red maple tree in her backyard!

Devil’s Lake State Park in Autumn

Autumn in Devil's Lake State Park Autumn in Devil’s Lake State Park © 2011 Bo Mackison

Tramadol 50 Mg Buy Perhaps you have noticed that even in the very lightest breeze you can hear the voice of the trees; this we understand is its prayer to the Great Spirit, for not only men, but all things and all beings pray to Him continually in different ways.  ~ Black Elk Anyone who lives near Devil’s Lake State Park in south-central Wisconsin and has even a passing interest in nature makes time in their schedules for a ride through this iconic park in autumn. It never fails to please. The entrance speaks of a grandeur from a different era–huge stone pillars designed and constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in the 1930s–welcome everyone to the beauty inside the park. Even the South Shore Road winds through hardwood forests on its way to the glacial lake, the park’s namesake. Yellows and oranges are the predominant colors, but flashes of sunlight make it an otherworldly, shadowy experience. I’ve walked through these woods–part of the Ice Age Scenic Trail–for many decades. Before I moved to Wisconsin, my family took many vacation trips to Devil’s Lake, an easy trip from Illinois. And in the last four decades, I’ve spent hundreds of days exploring the woods, cliffs, piles of boulders, the lake and its beaches. A wonderful place for an explore of any kind.


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. One of her goals is to visit and photograph every state park in Wisconsin. She is at #14.

Touching the Sky


Geese © 2011 Bo Mackison

Only from the heart can you touch the sky.  ~ Rumi

I had the most remarkable and rewarding day yesterday. I spent much of the day outdoors, studying and working in the natural world.

The day was sunny and the skies were a deeper blue than usual. There were two things that I repeatedly noticed throughout the day. First, the brilliant red maple in my backyard glowed like fire — yes, really, like fire — as the sunlight flickered throughout its deep oranges and reds. The maple is at its peak in color and I was aware that its fiery beauty would be fleeting, that the forecast for the rest of the week called for cloudy skies and rain. Yesterday was my day to pay attention to the red maple.

The other frequent visitors to my day were the wild Canada geese that flew over the house, oftentimes nearly skimming the tops of the trees.

I spent my day studying first the maple, deeply rooted, grounded, preparing for winter by slowing its metabolism, getting ready to drop its leaves, but that at the present moment it was in the height of its autumn beauty. Second, I watched the wild geese, preparing not to slow down for the winter, but instead instinctively working hard, readying themselves for a long flight south.

They were quite opposite in their approach to the coming colder weather, but both were still significant reminders of autumn.

While many people regard geese as nuisances, noisy and messy, their beauty in flight always thrills me, makes me stop and admire their grace, strength, and sense of community in formation. The geese remind me of the preparation required for the undertaking of a long journey, how they show perseverance to begin their journey, to reach their goal.

Yesterday was a good day for reflection on the present and for awakening the preparer in me. Not only are the geese going south for the winter, but I am also returning south for a part of the winter.

The geese, now in a perpetual state of preparation, remind me that I, too, must finish my work here so that I can prepare for my travels.


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She has much to plan and prepare for — two art shows in mid-November, followed by a few weeks of travel in the Southwest, and perhaps a bit of adventure, too.


Three Tops at a Mic

Three Tops at a Mic

Three Tops at a Mic © 2011 Bo Mackison

I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel. ~ Peter Nivio Zarlenga

Ever get carried away with your imagination as you look at the most ordinary of scenes?

This photograph of the prairie as it is breaking apart and shedding its finery in preparation for winter is straightforward. A few coneflower seed heads plus a stem in focus in the foreground, and more seed heads — out of focus — in the background.

And suddenly I no longer see the dying autumn prairie:

I see the “Three Tops,” a premier singing group in Prairie Land, at their microphone. Singing their hearts out as their fanatic audience sways to their rhythmic beat. Many in the audience are singing in their seats, but a few of the “Three Tops” most ardent fans are squealing and dancing at the bottom of the stage.

Hmm . . . Ursula Le Guin wrote, “I doubt that the imagination can be suppressed. If you truly eradicated it in a child, he would grow up to be an eggplant.”


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She walks the prairie, thankful she did not grow up to be an eggplant.



Transitions © 2011 Bo Mackison

I love how this photograph so captures both the last bit of the growing season and nature’s preparation for winter.

Flowers and all their complicated, tiny parts hold a fascination for me, and add to my interest in photographing them. But there is something deep and grounding about the autumn trees and the annual dropping of their leaves, as they prepare to withstand a long winter.

Nature gives us so many lessons if we only pay attention.

Appreciate the beauty of each day, but also prepare for the coming days. I am pondering that it is often true — that less is more.


Bo Mackison is the photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.  She is paying attention to nature and change, listening and watching.