Discovering My World

Watching Lake Mendota Watching Lake Mendota © 2011 Bo Mackison Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.  ~ Buddha  


Frosted Leaf

Frosty Maple Leaf Frosty Maple Leaf © 2011 Bo Mackison We do not remember days, we remember moments. – Cesare Pavese Maybe this is a good time to post another frosty photograph. I checked the weather forecast for later today and saw a four letter word — snow. So, before the snow flies and my outdoor world becomes white, I’ll share one of my more colorful autumn macro photographs.

Cheapest Tramadol Overnight When this maple leaf fell from the tree, it became wedged on its side in the grass. The frost added an outline of lacy white ice to the orange-red leaf. I love how the maple leaf’s familiar outline is highlighted, how the simplest things in nature — a fallen leaf, a touch of frost — turn into a captured moment of beauty, of life.

see And how the photograph also captures a moment of time, and I watch as autumn turns her face towards winter.

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source url Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She also loves the very first snowfall of the season when her whole world looks freshly dressed in pure white.

Geese at Sunrise

November Sunrise

source site November Sunrise © 2011 Bo Mackison

Tramadol 50Mg To Buy Geese in flight as the sun light begins to color the trees in a luminescence. This is autumn – flying geese, the natural world slowing down, and by slowing down they start their preparation for the coming winter. We have our autumnal times, too. periods of our lives when we slow down, gather our thoughts and energy — and perhaps our courage, too —  in preparation for more difficult times. But all the while we prepare, we know that just at sunrise follows the dark, springtime follows the harsh winter. And that even in the darker seasons, there is always a light to guide us. The cycle of seasons, the cycle of life. —————- Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.   Nature — such a wise teacher.

Hard Frost

Hard Frost

Hard Frost © 2011 Bo Mackison

Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.  ~ Henry David Thoreau

This morning it was middle-of-the-night dark when I started my day at 6:00 am. I had plenty of time to get ready for the day, make coffee, meditate, and as I finished, I noticed that the eastern sky was getting a faint glow. Gradually just a hint of pink appeared, growing lighter.

I checked the thermometer — 25˚ F. Cold enough for a heavy frost. When there was enough light to see outside, yes indeed, there was a very heavy frost. I waited until the sun peeked over the houses to the east of my backyard before I grabbed my camera and went out to see what I could see.

And what did I see? Frost, lots of frost. Fallen leaves covered with tiny crystals. The garden still had a few flowers, the last ones of the season, covered with a delicate icy coating.

I took enough photographs of frost and leaves for half the photographers in Madison, and then I played in the leaves for a while. No, I didn’t roll in the leaves or jump in a pile of leaves as I did when I was a child. But I did have lots of enthusiasm as I kicked through the deep maple leaves, then watched to see how high they flew. Who knew that kicking piles of leaves was such good aerobic exercise, too!


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Bo thinks everyone in the northern climes should do leaf kicking as an exercise for the next few weeks. So fun!

Salmo Pond in November

Salmo Pond

Salmo Pond © 2011 Bo Mackison

Observe always that everything is the result of change, and get used to thinking that there is nothing Nature loves so well as to change existing forms and make new ones like them.  ~ Marcus Aurelius

November – the month when the brilliant colors of October change to muted hues of yellows, greens, browns. Tree skeletons appear. Grasses that waved tall and proud are now brittle and bent to the ground. There are days when the sky is blue and sunshine gives nature a soft glow, but these days are outnumbered by cloudy gray days, days of rain and wind.

November is all about change. This is the time of year that offers us lessons in acceptance — offers us glimpses of nothingness, provides  us with daily reminders that nothing stays the same, and challenges us to practice the art of learning how to say goodbye.


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.  It is November, perhaps the most contemplative month of the year.