Monarch Butterfly on Lilac Bush

Monarch and Lilac Flowers

here Monarch and Lilac Flowers © 2012 Bo Mackison

source Every man takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

Buy Diazepam Bulk As I was working in my new office set-up – my screened in porch off the back of my house, plus a Bistro table that I can either sit at or stand at while using my computer or writing – I looked up and saw several Monarchs fluttering around the Lilac bush only a few feet from where I was working. I had earlier been enjoying the fragrance of the Lilac, a French hybrid, deep purple Lilac that Sherpa and I planted on our 25th wedding anniversary in 2001. I stopped my work, readied my camera, and went out a took a few dozen photos.

Buy Diazepam Fast Delivery But when I opened my computer to fetch the files I had downloaded this morning, the photos were nowhere to be found. I’ve been having problems with some of my storage drives, and I have my main external hard drive at the computer magician’s place at this very moment. He just moments ago informed me that most of my files are intact and retrievable. I’m missing 9 Gigabytes of data, and I’m not sure what those specific files were yet. But since the computer magician recovered nearly 300 Gigabytes of photo files, I am more than happy. (I do have another back-up, but it is inconveniently in Arizona at this moment. Poor planning on my part.) Now back to the lovely purple lilac photo. Well, the above photo is not of my Lilac. This photo is of a bush I photographed at the Allen Centennial Gardens on the University of Wisconsin’s main campus a few days ago. It will have to stand in for the other photograph for now.

Online Tramadol Overnight Once the thunderstorm that is directly above my house moves east, I’ll see if I can take another photograph of another Monarch on my Lilac.

get link Maybe, maybe not… ——————- Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.

Ant, Conqueror of Peony

Ant Conquering the Peony World

Buy Generic Tramadol Online Ant Conquering the Peony © 2012 Bo Mackison

source url There are more things to alarm us than to harm us, and we suffer more often in apprehension than in reality. ~ Seneca

follow link No, this is not my usual kind of photograph. But I sure had a lot of fun getting the ant just so, so that it looked as if it was crawling over the edge of the giant peony world! I used the infrared filter from Nik Color Effex Pro 4 to change this pink and green garden photo into a sci-fi garden shot.

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go site Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Sometimes a girl (photog) just has to have fun! 🙂

Pinkest Petals

Petals Pinkest Petals © 2012 Bo Mackison

Valium 5Mg Buy Online Nature can be trusted to work her own miracle in the heart of any man whose daily task keeps him alone among her sights, sounds, and silences. ~ Gene Stratton Porter Sunrise beckoned today. Sunlight woke me early. We went for a country drive to see what we could see.

here The air was fresh, pungent with spring – lilacs in bloom, farmers turning the earth, the clean scent of the foaming Wisconsin River rushing towards the Mississippi.

Buy Valium Nz Birds chattered, as they chatter each morning outside my window. I try to pay close attention, for in the rush of early morning it is possible to not hear them. I am finally distinguishing one from another. Today I saw several oak trees in an oak savannah filled with male Baltimore Orioles. I have never seen so many orioles at one time.

source url In late afternoon I went out to the garden where the last of the tulips were in bloom. In a few days their petals will only be scattered on the earth. By then the columbines and peonies will have started blooming. There is always something to see outside.

Tramadol Online Buy On this Sunday in mid-May, here is one of the tulips I photographed a few days ago. Its color was so striking, I chose to take an extreme close-up, and concentrate only on a little of its shape and its brilliant pink. —————–

Tramadol Order Online Uk Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.

Only One Pink Tulip

The Only Pink Tulip

The Only Pink Tulip © 2012 Bo Mackison

The truly important things in life — love, beauty, and one’s own uniqueness — are constantly being overlooked. ~  Pablo Casals

Everywhere I walk I see a new combination of tulips. So many different colors, shapes, styles. I think this Wisconsin spring must have been gifted with an abundance of tulip beauty!


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.

Purple Tulip Showcase

Two Purple Tulips

Two Purple Tulips © 2012 Bo Mackison

I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order. ~ John Burroughs

I been visiting gardens, the forests, the lake shores — putting my senses back in order. The colors of spring in Wisconsin are surely meant to awaken all of one’s senses!


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.