My Summer Office

My Summer Office
My Summer Office © 2012 Bo Mackison

Purchase Tramadol Visa What is the good of the stars and trees, the sunrise and the wind, if they do not enter into your daily lives. ~ E. M. Forster

100Mg Tramadol Online Welcome to the office space I set up on my screened porch in my home in Wisconsin.

go here We’ve never had a table on the porch overlooking our back yard and our perennial gardens, our lilacs and our special trees – white birch, sugar maples, mountain ashes, towering pines – all planted for special occasions. (When we moved into this house over 25 years ago, there were two trees on the property – a straggly silver maple and a city tree near the street that was wilting and browning in August.) Each year we have added, replaced, cared for all the plants and trees in our space, and each time I look out into our yards I am filled with gratefulness for the nearness of nature.

click here Prior to my make-over, the back porch was used as an evening haven, a sitting down space after the work of the day was completed, a place to share stories, plans, ideas with family and friends. There were plenty of sitting spots, though if we ate dinner on the porch it was always a lap affair.

go Last week I stood on the porch, and thought about the “winter office” I had arranged in Arizona – a table and chairs on a covered patio, a hook up for internet, a pitcher of iced tea or water. I had loved working in the outdoors. Then I realized that I could, with a little scrounging and re-arranging, have the same sense of working in the outdoors in Madison.

source url I found a Bistro table and chairs on clearance at Target. Perfect. I’d recently read a study about the benefits of standing for at least part of the work day. With this height table I could alternate sitting in the higher chair or standing. I  prefer standing, so I was pleased how simply I could accommodate both choices.

click here I removed all the chairs except for a glider that I fancy — nothing like sitting in the dark, listening to the night sounds, swaying back and forth in a gentling, readying-for-sleep rhythm. I added a cloth basket on small table near the door so I could store all the cords that are required for computer, phone, photo transfer, etc. That allows me to bring my office supplies inside when threatening weather approaches.

go to link I don’t do photo processing on the porch — way too bright –but I can get a lot of the business part of my art done and I write and read on the porch. And the screen protects me from the many wasps and other stinging insects that make my home their home, too. A grand solution, so far. We’ll see how things progress as summer moves through July and August…

go to link ————————— Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She creates with the camera and the computer, and finagles a way to spend as much time outside as possible!  

Monarch Butterfly on Lilac Bush

Monarch and Lilac Flowers

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enter site Every man takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

go here As I was working in my new office set-up – my screened in porch off the back of my house, plus a Bistro table that I can either sit at or stand at while using my computer or writing – I looked up and saw several Monarchs fluttering around the Lilac bush only a few feet from where I was working. I had earlier been enjoying the fragrance of the Lilac, a French hybrid, deep purple Lilac that Sherpa and I planted on our 25th wedding anniversary in 2001. I stopped my work, readied my camera, and went out a took a few dozen photos.

Valium Australia Online But when I opened my computer to fetch the files I had downloaded this morning, the photos were nowhere to be found. I’ve been having problems with some of my storage drives, and I have my main external hard drive at the computer magician’s place at this very moment. He just moments ago informed me that most of my files are intact and retrievable. I’m missing 9 Gigabytes of data, and I’m not sure what those specific files were yet. But since the computer magician recovered nearly 300 Gigabytes of photo files, I am more than happy. (I do have another back-up, but it is inconveniently in Arizona at this moment. Poor planning on my part.) Now back to the lovely purple lilac photo. Well, the above photo is not of my Lilac. This photo is of a bush I photographed at the Allen Centennial Gardens on the University of Wisconsin’s main campus a few days ago. It will have to stand in for the other photograph for now.

see Once the thunderstorm that is directly above my house moves east, I’ll see if I can take another photograph of another Monarch on my Lilac.

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get link Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.