Learning to Be Astonished

Old Lace Peony

https://purestpotential.com/10hrt69n449 Old Lace Peony © 2012 Bo Mackison

watch Am I no longer young, and still not half perfect? Let me
keep my mind on what matters,
which is my work,

https://www.mreavoice.org/r04gtossj1c which is mostly standing still and learning to be

https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/kp05po4 from Messenger by Mary Oliver

see url How lovely is the above message from Mary Oliver’s poem.

Tramadol Online Mastercard Sometimes I read a poem, and it seems as if it is a message from beyond, or from the universe, or from a secret conduit from poet’s mind to my mind.

source link This happened today when I read Messenger.

https://dcinematools.com/v8oaodkt Yes, I am feeling no longer the least bit young, and not even “half perfect.” Not that I wish to be perfect, for that does not sound like much of a life adventure, but I might prefer to be a bit further on the path than I am. I frown a bit.

https://www.yolascafe.com/fpzx6ju77fb Then come her words “let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work.” The worry lines appear on my brow and I start cataloging the many to-do’s on my unwritten list entitled Tramadol Buyers What I Should/Must Get Done ASAP. I fret about work and time and commitments and responsibilities and my purpose for being one of the seven million plus  human inhabitants on this earth.

http://www.mscnantes.org/14w4qe57w Then I stop, startled, and take a deep breath, no, several deep breaths. And I close my eyes for a few moments, mentally pushing away worry, though unsuccessfully for it will not be pushed aside.

https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/i205716g I read the next few words of the poem . . . “my work, which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished.”

https://alldayelectrician.com/dg8q87yi Ah, so I smile a bit and relax a bit and let Mary Oliver’s words push away the worry with much more success.

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=jqlcs0ixqmn Yes, I have plenty of time to work on the art of being astonished.

https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/o6dmc7ck ——————

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/khwjeko Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Sometimes she puts down her camera and reads pages and pages of poetry.

Contemplate the Beauty

Orange Poppy

https://mocicc.org/agricultura/g3i3xmslra Orange Poppy © 2012 Bo Mackison

follow Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. ~ Rachel Carson

I am heading into a stretch of days that will be a test of my endurance. As I was looking through my notebooks of quotes, looking for a quotation to pair with this cheerful poppy, I came across the above quote by Rachel Carson.

Contemplate the beauty of the earth. There will be found reserves of strength that will endure.

Contemplate the beauty of the earth.

Contemplate the beauty.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.

Peony in Stillness

Abstract Peony

Peony © 2012 Bo Mackison

The need to listen carefully creates its own stillness. ~ Toni Packer

Quiet. Solitude. Stillness.

When I am out in my garden with my camera, I wait for stillness, for the wind to quiet enough so that my photograph, or at least the portion of the photograph that I want in focus, is in focus.

On a calm day, it is easy to take photographs outside. But on a breezy day, I decide if I want to add some extra work into the photography equation. From which direction is the wind blowing? Is it gusty? Can I block the wind with a building or a fence or the clear acrylic panels I built into a wind shield?

Some of the time, I choose to out wait the wind if it isn’t blowing steadily. And while standing or kneeling or even lying on the grass, motionless, that is when I begin to hear all of the sounds of minutiae. (Can I use the word minutiae in that way? . . . Well, I just did.)

First, I notice how incredibly loud the wind is, especially when I want it to die down so the swaying peony will stop its dance and hold still so I can take its portrait. But wind can be really loud. And of course all of the bushes and leafy branches are twirling about. Even the grasses I am resting upon are brushing against each other and sound like the swishing on a snare drum. Then I start to listen closely – do I hear the wind itself or only that which is tossed about by the wind’s movement?

And while I am listening so carefully, I notice all the other noises that I prefer to consciously block. The low hum of a neighbor’s lawn mower, a car engine revving as it passes on a side street, the loud thrumming of a descending airplane heading to a nearby airstrip.

Suddenly I am thankful for the winds’ blustery sounds, glad that its whooshes and whispers let me focus on the sounds in nature.

Eventually I get my photographs, one way or another, or change my plans. There is never a dearth of subjects for me and my camera.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She has discovered that when carrying a camera outdoors, she discovers much that hasn’t a lot to do with photography.

A View of the World


Thistle © 2012 Bo Mackison

The faster one goes, the more strain there is on the senses, the more they fail to take in, the more confusion they must tolerate or gloss over — and the longer it takes to bring the mind to a stop in the presence of anything. ~ Wendell Berry

Not so long ago I had a reaction to a medication. Instead of making me drowsy, as had been predicted, the chemicals from the medication flowed throughout my body and made it utterly impossible for me to quiet myself. The reaction – medically termed akathisia – makes it impossible to quiet oneself both inside and outside.

My body had to move. I paced. When I sat, my leg jumped about. You’ve heard the term “crawling out of your skin”? That was exactly what I wanted to do. My insides seemed intent on crawling to the outside. Yes, I called the pharmacist. Then I called the doctor on call. And within a few hours, I had a second medication that was supposed to diminish the side effects of the first. Unfortunately it didn’t take effect immediately.

However, there was a big change. I now knew what was happening, and I had been assured that my frantically moving body would return to normal. I just had to hang on and tolerate the ride until everything returned to normal.

Wow — easier to say than to do.

After another hour of pacing and near panic, I finally hit upon a solution. My body, and therefore my mind, too, were racing along and I couldn’t keep up. I had to  s-l-o-w-t-h-i-n-g-s-d-o-w-n. Yes. Slow. Things. Down.

And then I discovered a work-around. I went outside and took gulping breaths of sweet May air. Then I slowly paced myself so I was breathing deeply, slowly. And finally, I noticed that I was standing barefoot in thick, not-recently-mowed grass. Deep tufts of grass. I stood there. I concentrated on my feet coming into contact with the black earth. And there I stayed.

For nearly an hour, I stood and breathed. And realized this utterly amazing thing. I was standing on the earth, the planet Earth. And so was every other person on this huge earth – in some way or other. All seven billion plus of us – all connected to the earth. So not all of us earthlings were in solid contact, as I was, but all were still connected. No one was going to fling away from Mother Earth, suddenly unleashed by her gravitational hold.

Isn’t that an amazing thing? Wherever you are, anywhere, always, we are attached to the earth or near it.  We can always reach down and touch that huge planet rolling through space. You imagine a photo of the earth from a satellite or NASA mission, and see the swirling earth planet, and then realize you can TOUCH it. With your feet. With your hands. How awesome is that!

That is how I managed to calm my body. I touched the earth. I repeated that I was okay, that I was connected to everyone and everything by the mere presence of all of us together on this huge traveling earth in the unimaginably huge universe. I concentrated on feeling a part of the whole.

Gradually, the feeling of connection took over, and I stopped hurtling through the barrage of out of control feelings and movements. I slowed down, way down. I re-connected to all. And there I stood. The side effects lessened and I felt okay again.

I also learned a valuable lesson. I was able to manage the out of control feelings and connect to the present moment by connecting to the physical Earth, by accepting life as it was at that moment, and by slowing myself down.

Wow, right?


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Sometimes she puts down her camera and just stands in the grass.

In Glorious Detail

Allium - In Glorious Detail

Allium - In Glorious Detail © 2012 Bo Mackison

Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.  ~ Gary Snyder

I have reached a lull in flowers. How is that possible? The peonies are not quite in bloom yet, the lilacs are gone. My perennial garden is full of foliage, but not a single flower has shown its colors though it is early to expect anything to be blooming in mid-May. I’ve seen a few iris in bloom, but only on private property. And so I reach back into my photo catalogs and pull out another allium photograph.

(I finally have my external hard drives back from the computer magician and they are in working order – yay!)

Couldn’t result pulling out the detail in this single allium, especially since the top flowers and the two largest flowers in the center of the florets were in focus, and so remained natural. The other florets took on an outlined effect. I love the overall wispy effect.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Bo enjoys her large catalog of allium photographs as she discovers new ways to post-process this simple flower.