In Glorious Detail

Allium - In Glorious Detail

Allium - In Glorious Detail © 2012 Bo Mackison

Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.  ~ Gary Snyder

I have reached a lull in flowers. How is that possible? The peonies are not quite in bloom yet, the lilacs are gone. My perennial garden is full of foliage, but not a single flower has shown its colors though it is early to expect anything to be blooming in mid-May. I’ve seen a few iris in bloom, but only on private property. And so I reach back into my photo catalogs and pull out another allium photograph.

(I finally have my external hard drives back from the computer magician and they are in working order – yay!)

Couldn’t result pulling out the detail in this single allium, especially since the top flowers and the two largest flowers in the center of the florets were in focus, and so remained natural. The other florets took on an outlined effect. I love the overall wispy effect.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Bo enjoys her large catalog of allium photographs as she discovers new ways to post-process this simple flower.