Desert Agave in Bloom

Agave with Yellow Blooms

Tramadol For Sale Online Cod Agave with Yellow Blooms source site
This lovely agave, known as the Desert Agave, is also sometimes called the “century plant”. It may have seemed like a century between flowerings to the ones who originally named it, but in practice it flowers after 8 – 20 years. Although all the flowering plants die, the plants also send out offshoots of non-flowering rosettes that remain alive, ready to flower in another year. The leaves of the rosettes are armed with stiff terminal spines, not to be fooled with, though hummingbirds seem quite attracted to the flowers. The Desert Agave is one of the more drought-tolerant of the more than 130 species of agave found in north America. It typically grows on gravely earth from south-eastern California and south-western Arizona to Baja, California and northern regions of the state of Sonora, Mexico.

source site The core of the plant was baked in rock-lined pits by desert-dwelling Indians to form a nutritious energy-rich staple food. Baked agave is still available in Mexican markets. I’d love to taste it.

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Cheap Tramadol Cod Delivery Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC, living and photographing in southern Arizona. She is grateful for the opportunity to see the diversity and beauty of the Sonoran Desert and its amazing plants.

Celebrating with Golden Poppies

Gold Poppies Golden Poppies © 2012 Bo Mackison Happy Valentines Day!  My love to Sherpa — 36 years you’ve been a special part of my life.

Online Tramadol Cod Overnight Happy Centennial to Arizona!  Arizona became the 48th State 100 years ago today! And the golden poppies are in bloom — celebrating! Happy Birthday to my son!  Something about the bright colors of these poppies remind me of my special guy — he brings a smile and good cheer wherever he goes. —————- Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Wishing all a Happy Valentines Day.

Study in White

In White

here Study in White © 2012 Bo Mackison Flowers… are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty out-values all the utilities of the world. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

source site Hard to believe it is almost time to say goodbye to the month of September.  Soon the flowers will disappear from the gardens, but there will still be photographs to remind us of their beauty. It is easy to walk past a garden bursting with colors and textures, and never see an individual flower. But when the eye studies a single bloom, there is much to see. I love how all the simple parts join to give this flower a stunning visual presence. I photographed this white flower, identity unknown, in early September at Olbrich Botanical Gardens in Madison Wisconsin.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She has a backlog of floral photographs, so she will be sharing botanicals for many days to come.

‘Be Happy’ Dahlia

Pink Hearts Flower

‘Be Happy’ Dahlia

 “Be grateful for those who give us happiness; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls bloom.” ~ Marcel Proust

I found this charming dahlia at Olbrich Gardens yesterday morning while taking the last few photographs for a big project. I had to stop and take a break from “Big Project” — which is more than I bargained for anyway — so I could photograph this dainty dahlia.

When I checked the flower’s  ID plate, I laughed out loud. Her name is “Be Happy” Dahlia — how great is that? This is the kind of flower that just begs you to smile and start humming a happy tune. I’m not much of a heart lover, but I do love the little hearts tucked into the petals. They seem perfectly placed, and match the flower-induced smile.

This is an appropriate photograph for today because it’s a celebration day in our family. Today is the birthday of the guy I married a million years ago — well, to be correct it was really only 12,867 days ago! (I just added up all those days — WOW!)

Wishing my Sherpa, who brings much happiness into my life, a very happy birthday!


Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.  Bo is humming today while she does her work. “Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Sherpa, Happy Birthday to you!”

Visions of Poppies Dance in My Head

Poppy - Tonal

Poppy – Tonal Contrast © 2011 Bo Mackison

I’m experimenting with my favorite flower from last spring – the pink poppy. I am slowly exploring a few post processing techniques. For several years I refused to try any pre-sets, instead choosing to do everything one step at a time. Every change in a photograph was a small change I chose. And I did many behind the scenes changes, but always with the intention of maintaining the look of original as I had visualized it.

Then I met Mike Moats at the Leeper Park Art Fair (South Bend) in June, and as we each looked at each other’s booth and art, Mike told me about the Nik software he is using almost exclusively for post processing. He invited me to attend a webcast he was giving on Using Nik Software.

I penciled the webcast in on my calendar, and then watched Mike demonstrate the Nik software, making tiny change after tiny change. The part that surprised me was that he often made the changes that I thought would be good changes to make. We were, if not the same wavelength, perhaps on neighboring wavelengths.

I was quite impressed with the software, and realized that the presets were only the jumping off stage — once you choose a preset, there are a million opportunities to individualize each photograph.

The above macro photo of the pink poppy did not have as much detail as I had hoped for at the focal point where the two rain-soaked petals overlap. I used the Nik preset called Tonal Contrast, and the raindrops suddenly popped off the screen. It provided a boost in the detail and I was able to get the abstract look I wanted.

So far, I’ve experimented with three different pre-sets on this poppy, plus many more on other photographs. I’ll post the original poppy plus the modified photos later this week.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She is experimenting with Nik software this month — exploring and testing and comparing, and having great fun with her photos.