enter site source link Bumpass Hell is a geothermal area that spans 16 acres in Lassen Volcanic National Park. It has various hot springs, fumaroles, and mud pots accessible by a 3 mile trail. What a sight, once the thermals are in sight.
click The area is named after Kendall Bumpass, a cowboy who lived in the Lassen area in the 1860s. One day Bumpass stumbled upon the area and he was injured when one of his legs broke through the thin thermal crust. He told his friends and townspeople about it, describing it as “hell.”
here Boardwalks wander through the thermal area, often with no side rails. it’s a bit daunting to realize that one misstep and the fall could result in severe injuries. But it does give one a clear view of the marvels of the thermals.
https://www.drcarolineedwards.com/2024/09/18/axr2240zbnr The creek running south from the thermals is a milky white, carrying minerals and hot water.
https://www.drcarolineedwards.com/2024/09/18/b4wowwz2w Some of the areas near the thermals are cool enough to allow vegetation to grow close to the hot springs.
https://livingpraying.com/b7wp0gbb The descriptions were abbreviated because, not only are the National Parks closed during the budget battles, but the National Park websites are also down.
source url Instead of descriptions, just enjoy the photo travelogue of Bumpass Hell Thermal Area in Lassen Volcanic National Park in California.
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see url Bo Mackison is photographer, book-artist, collector of stories, naturalist, curator and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Enjoyed hiking the Bumpass Hell trail when I visited California in August.