Torch on Fire

Torch on Fire

follow site Torch on Fire © 2012 Bo Mackison

Buy Valium In Australia Nature is man’s teacher. She unfolds her treasures to his search, unseals his eyes, illumes his mind, and purifies his heart; an influence breathes from all the sights and sounds of her existence. ~Alfred Billings Street

click A busy, last-minute kind of day full of errands and packing, so I will offer you this photograph of the Pink Torch Cactus in bloom and a few wise words from Alfred Billings Street. Street was an American author and poet who lived in the 1800s. He had some insightful thoughts about the gifts of nature. ———————-

Buying Tramadol In Canada Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Today she is getting ready to begin her cross-country travel.

Parting Gifts from the Desert

Macro Torch Cactus

click here Torch Cactus © 2012 Bo Mackison My heart found its home long ago in the beauty, mystery, order and disorder of the flowering earth. ~ Lady Bird Johnson I am on the home stretch — literally. In 36 hours, I will point my car towards the east, and then north, to begin the long drive home. Happily, Sherpa is flying in tomorrow, so no one has to drive alone for three and a half days.

Order Tramadol Paypal I had today and tomorrow scheduled with packing, returning library books, changing addresses, saying good byes with neighbors and arranging for the many things that need arranging before a long trip. And then I received an email from the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum. They were sending a short note to all their members  to let us now that the dazzling “Fireworks Cacti” were now in full bloom, and would be for only a few days.

watch So instead of following my original plans, I made room in my schedule for a three-hour photo shoot of some of the most unusual cactus flowers I have ever seen.  The flowers are in all the warm colors one associates with desert and heat — yellows, hot pinks, oranges, reds. Once I saw the cacti all in bloom, I had a very difficult time leaving. (I finally left after I’d taken over 600 photos, but only because I had filled my 16 gig memory card — and that’s a huge card!)

go to site So — the cactus are called Torch Cactus, and they bloom for only a few days each year. They are not a native plant to the Sonoran desert, but they thrive here, and have become a landscape favorite because of their hardiness and beautiful color displays.

Order Tramadol From Uk I promise. There are many more amazing photographs of these very photogenic flowers to come. —————– Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She traveled to Arizona to live and photograph the desert’s beauty for one hundred days. Getting ready for a drive.

Desert Yucca

Yucca in Bloom Yucca in Bloom © 2012 Bo Mackison

see url The yucca is one of the more prominent plants in the desert Southwest when in bloom, sending a long stalk eight feet into the air topped  with white flowers. These kinds of plants are common in the desert. For much of the year they grow low to the ground, green sharp spikes in a rosette. And then, spring arrives, a  few rainfalls followed by hot weather and the yuccas bloom soft and white. The desert is a study in contrasts.

source url ——————– Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She traveled to Arizona to live and photograph the desert’s beauty for one hundred days. Down to the last two desert days.

Living the Desert Life – A Summary in Book Spine Poetry

Desert Views, The First Month

Buy Valium Cheap Online Living the Desert Life, The First Month © 2012 Bo Mackison Here is the challenge: use book titles to create small haiku-like poems. A challenge I couldn’t resist. And so I began. Considering I had limited resources while staying in Arizona, I decided to do a trilogy of book spine poetry using the theme of “living the desert”. That way I could use several titles more than once.

Living the Desert Life, The First Month

You are here.
Chasing the light.
The desert year.

Desert Views, The Second Month

Living the Desert Life, The Second Month © 2012 Bo Mackison

Living the Desert Life, The Second Month

While I was gone
chasing the light –
the desert year.

Desert Views, The Third Month

Living the Desert Life, The Third Month © 2012 Bo Mackison

Living the Desert Life, The Third Month

The desert year,
Chasing the light.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC, is  living and photographing in southern Arizona for a hundred days. Only three more days left.

Shrimp Plant

Shrimp Plant in Vignette

Shrimp Plant in Vignette © 2012 Bo Mackison

The sun doesn’t shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the whole world’s joy.  ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Yes. There is a plant called a Shrimp Plant, and once you’ve seen one, you forever know why it is called the shrimp plant. It looks almost good enough to eat. Roasted shrimp from Tucson’s first 100˚ day – yes, indeed! I was hungry and they looked tempting . . .

I visited the Tucson Botanical Gardens this morning, thinking I could be back home before it became too hot. I was wrong. I spent way too much time photographing Zen Gardens and wheelbarrows and shadows and fountains and sprinkling cans . . . you get the idea.

Shrimp Plant

Shrimp Plant © 2012 Bo Mackison

I also photographed this Shrimp Plant just before I left the gardens. Yes, it was two in the afternoon and way too bright, but happily these plants were in the shade. And yes, I was a bit worn out and did not set up my tripod because I had just packed it in order to leave.  But the wind was cooperative, I suppose, in that there was no wind.  And so I took several quick snaps of these beauties.

Really! Have you ever seen a flower that was as shrimp colored as a shrimp? And a flower that was both shrimp colored and the shape of a shrimp?

From my internet research, I discovered that these are tropical plants, native to Mexico, but popular as house and garden plants in the states of Texas and Florida. I didn’t see any references to Shrimp Plants in Arizona, but I know where several are blooming.

Visit the Tucson Botanical Gardens to get a look at the real thing.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.