Snowed Under With an eye made quiet by the power of harmony, and the deep power of joy, we see into the life of things. ~ William Wordsworth

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follow link It’s that time of year when the to-do lists are pages long, frantic looks cross many a face while negotiating jammed sotores, gas lines are long, grocery stores are packed. Everywhere, it seems there are crowds of people intent only on crossing off the items on their Holiday  lists. I’m staying home today. Or at least very near to home today. I did take a brief walk outdoors, though it’s not much of a walk. More like a push you foot into a pile of snow and pull it out again, all while keeping your balance. I managed a walk to check on a few of the backyard trees before I tumbled backwards and landed in enough snow to cover me completely. So that was enough snow time for this morning. We don’t have sidewalks, so my choices are either to walk in the crusty ruts of the streets, icy and gritty, or to stay inside.


follow I think today is a good day for a bit of solitude, some quiet time for reflection and journaling before the busyness begins. The logs in the fireplace are ready to be lit. Since the sun is in hiding, I think I’ll make a bit of sunny warmth inside. Brew a cup of tea, and write a few letters to include in the family cards.

follow link Blessings to all as you go about your day. —————- Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.

Buy Valium India The newest issue of Sprout Magazine , edited by Amanda Fall, is now available for download and purchase. I am pleased to be included in such a wonderful group of gifted and inspiring contributors. This issue’s theme is simplicity.