Under The Bean

Under the Bean

here Under the Bean ©2012 Bo Mackison


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https://www.pslra.org/4fl34wx This quote seems to be written for this wonderful piece of sculpture, Cloud Gate by Anish Kapoor. This is an amazing piece of sculpture, and one where the design required not only knowledge of the internal tensions and stresses of the structure and its form.


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https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/e4hhvuu10 Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.

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Purchase Tramadol Visa She recently returned from a week at the Filter Photo Festival in Chicago. A week filled with workshops, lectures, gallery walks, portfolio reviews, and a photo-walk to Millennium Park to say hello to The Bean.








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The Whole Bean AKA Cloud Gate

Cloud Gate

follow link Cloud Gate, a public sculpture by artist Anish Kapoor, is the centerpiece of the AT&T Plaza in Millennium Park. The sculpture is constructed using hundreds of sheets of stainless steel, but the exterior has no visible seams. As seen in the photo, it is a wildly popular attraction for visitors – Chicagoan and tourist – all with some form of camera for this super-fun photo-op.

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watch I walked around the sculpture, and I had to take the requisite number of photos, including ones with the city backdrop of skyscrapers as the sun was setting, ones with the skyscrapers reflected on The Bean’s surface, a few more when the city streetlights popped on, and a couple with a tiny crescent moon in the background.


http://foodsafetytrainingcertification.com/food-safety-news/3c0xt2r But I forgot to bring my evening dress including date in white evening coat, or my sixteen member bridal party, or my teeny-tiny Halloween costume. I’ll have to be satisfied with my photo in faded jeans and a Packers tee-shirt.

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go to site Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.

https://tudiabetesbajocontrol.com/relanzam/buy-rectal-diazepam.php She recently returned from a week at the Filter Photo Festival in Chicago. A week filled with workshops, lectures, gallery walks, portfolio reviews, and a photo-walk to Millennium Park to say hello to The Bean.