Peek of Orange The only flowers in my garden are the crocuses–yellows, whites and purples–but they are lasting a long time. Last year the rabbits gnawed them so there were only bits of stems at ground level. This year I’ve only seen a couple of rabbits, and the winter wasn’t even that harsh, though it was a long haul for sure.

go site Hoping I won’t have to engage in the rabbit wars and squirrel wars like I did last summer. These crocuses seem to be melting into space, the result of using the Lens Baby on my Olympus. I’m just beginning to explore this lens with flowers–it was a Christmas gift–and I’m looking forward to lots of experimenting. So far, I’m liking the soft look, and the unexpected results. I never quite know how the photos are going to turn out!

Yellow and White Crocuses One step outside my door – flowers!

Crocuses and Spring

Still Winter Early in the Morning

enter site Still Wintry, Early in the Morning

Spring Arrived in the Afternoon and So Did the Crocuses

get link Spring Arrived (Officially)in the Afternoon and the Crocuses Popped!

First Flower of Spring

Tramadol Online Mastercard Budded in front yard, March 16, about 6:20 pm CDT. Rather shy, it will open a bit more tomorrow. More photos to follow from thrilled gardener who has been awaiting spring as patiently as possible.

go site (Not very!) I even hear robins singing their “pretty pretty pretty bird” trill.

The Soul of a Crocus

follow url Soul of a Crocus

source link Photography amazes me. This photo is untouched except for a bit of cropping and the framing. How do cameras DO what they DO? How can a bunch of pixels capture the very essence of a crocus?  And why does a photograph like this make me wonder about the very existence of the entire universe…