Tiny Yellow Flowers

Rock Garden Flowers

https://www.mreavoice.org/ylz5cmi7y73 Rock Garden Flowers © 2011 Bo Mackison

Ordering Tramadol Overnight The sun peeked out from behind the clouds this morning for about an hour, and so we took advantage of the sunlight and went for a walk at the nearby Allen Centennial Gardens. The gardens, located on the urban campus of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, is home to a huge number of botanicals on a few acre lot.

follow link There aren’t many flowers blooming except for the early spring bulbs — daffodils mostly– but the rock garden is showing the beginning signs of flowering. Several bunches of flowers, mostly in the draba family, had a few flowers in bloom, especially those blossoms that were sheltered from unpredictable weather by larger rocks.

Order Tramadol Overnight Visa If we have a couple of days of warm weather and sunshine, there are plenty of flowers with buds ready to pop. Should be a lovely sight when spring decides to stay.

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go to link I am back in Wisconsin after spending the first part of 2011 in Arizona. Still waiting, with bated breath, to see Spring tiptoe into Wisconsin.


Dogwood Blossom Variations

Dogwoods au Natural, Quincy Illinois

here Dogwood au Natural © 2011 Bo Mackison

source link Looking at these dogwood blossoms in their natural color…

Dogwood Blossoms, Desaturated, Quincy, Illinois

enter Dogwood Blossoms, Desaturated © 2011 Bo Mackison

http://www.mscnantes.org/rva2otxh4 And in more muted tones…

Dogwood Flowers in Black and White, Quincy Illinois

Tramadol 50Mg Buy Online Dogwood Flowers in Black and White © 2011 Bo Mackison

follow And in black and white.

https://alldayelectrician.com/stl07adhvb Same flowers, but three different ways to view them. There are times when I love seeing the world in full, living color. Other times I prefer my world to be somewhat muted, a bit quieter. And once in a while I like the simplicity that black and white offers, a focus on the elemental shapes, fewer distractions.

get link Do you have a favorite? Or does your preference change depending on your mood? Do you ever use photographs like these as a focus for meditation or as a stepping stone to lose yourself in thought?

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Bloomin’ Cactus

Hedgehog Cactus Bloom

https://geolatinas.org/sa9q1u21l Hedgehog Cactus Bloom © 2011 Bo Mackison

I saw this cactus covered with these most marvelous bright red blossoms as I pulled into the casita where I am staying in Tucson.

I’ve been anticipating the cactus bloom since I arrived; I was beginning to think I would miss out on the spring blossoms. So when I noticed these cactus plants in bloom this afternoon, it brought a smile to my face.

Now, I admit I haven’t spent much of today smiling. It’s been a rough day. My mom, who will be celebrating her 86th birthday next week, was rushed to the hospital yesterday evening with a mechanical defibrillator problem. Repair surgery was scheduled for today, and then postponed. It was decided the small city hospital she was in could not do the surgery, so a transfer to a larger hospital 100 miles away was initiated.

Today was a day filled with phone calls to and from my husband — he was trying to manage the medical issues from Wisconsin, to the nursing staff and cardiologists, and to family members. Due to some complications with travel, and the immediacy of the surgery, it was decided that I would remain in Arizona. Sherpa headed to my family’s hometown to manage the hospital routine.

Layers of Red

Layers of Red © 2011 Bo Mackison

Now surgery is scheduled for Monday morning, wehave figured out our schedules, and everyone is resting comfortably.

And I am in Arizona.

I thought I would be okay with the decision. After all, the surgery is a minor repair, and my mother plans to return to her home after a few days in the hospital. But by the fourteenth phone conversation of the day, I was worn out with worry, confused by the multiple changes in plans, and on the verge of a panic attack. I knew I had to calm myself.

I kept thinking of those cactus flowers just down the road. I had wanted to photograph them just before sunset. The sun was setting. I only had a few minutes to gather my camera gear and check out the flowers. But here I was, crying like a baby, gasping for my next breath.

But I was determined to photograph those flowers in the waning light. And I wanted to get myself back in control too. So I stuffed Kleenex in one pocket and a filter in my other pocket, and I grabbed my camera and tripod. I’d like to tell you that I wiped my eyes and then calmly took these  photos. Not true, though. No, I couldn’t quite quit crying and sniffing, but I finally managed to set up my camera and tripod.

For the first few shots, I couldn’t focus because of my tears. But I really wanted the chance to capture the beauty of these flowers more than I wanted to keep on crying and feeling panicky.

Bloomin' Cactus

Bloomin’ Cactus © 2011 Bo Mackison

I took some deep breaths. I wiped my eyes dry. I took more photos.

Then I noticed my surroundings. I watched the last of the sunlight cast light and shadows on the Santa Rita Mountains. I watched a cactus wren do some maintenance work on her nest. I watched two striking black and yellow butterflies dance around the ocotillo blooms. I took many more deep breaths and calmed down.

Later I made a more calls to check on things. My mom is stable and is good hands in the cardiac care unit. All is okay–both in the Midwest and here in Arizona.

In eleven days, Sherpa will fly out and we’ll pack the car, turn it a little east and a little north, and drive home. We’ll make a stop on the way to visit my mother.

I’m not too accustomed to handling family medical emergencies alone. I’m sure not used to being 1800 miles away, but today, even though it was a complicated decision, it seems to be the right decision. Right now we are all calmly waiting for the next step.

Today I learned more about living solo in Arizona than I’d bargained for, but all is going well.

White Globes

White Globes © 2010 Bo Mackison

I like taking photographs of rather common sights. This patch of white globes caught my fancy. I liked how part of them were in the setting sunlight while a few were hanging back in the shadows. I liked how the wind was buffeting them. They would lean to the left as the wind blew forcefully, and then come to center when the wind quieted. Over and over, like a dance, lean to the left, return to center, lean to the left.

Early Morning Dance

Tiny White Flowers in a Sea of Green Background

Early Morning Dance @ 2010 Bo Mackison

Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. ~ Albert Einstein

These delicate branches of tiny white star flowers were dancing lightly in the early morning breeze. They presented such a gentle, encouraging picture, I wanted to capture it to enjoy the memory of its dance in the early morning when I am given the gift of another new day.