The Last of Winter in Wisconsin

Ice Out - Not Yet © 2015 Bo Mackison

see Ice Out – Not Yet © 2015 Bo Mackison

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Tramadol Online Rx The snow is melting. A fine layer of sand coats many of the road surfaces, but the ice is gone. Heavy winter coats are back in the far corner of the closet, though the lighter winter coats are still front and center. Although there are a few piles of snow in parking lots, most of the snow is gone.  The last remains of winter remain on the lakes.

source url It was a long, cold, unrelenting winter. Once the cold in early January took hold, there were no warm spells, and even  ten days ago we were still seeing -2˚ in the early morning. But a week of sun and warming temperatures, and winter has disappeared and a muddy early spring has arrived. Only the lakes are still winter bound. And parts of the larger lakes are still covered with 12-15 inches of ice. Not ready for winter to warm into spring? Head down to the lakes for a last look at winter’s grip.

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Winter Star at Sunrise – Everyday a Story

follow site There’s always a story. It’s all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything’s got a story in it. Change the story, change the world.”
~ Terry Pratchett