Frosty Morning Handiwork

Queen Anne with Frosty Lace

Cheap Tramadol Cod Overnight Queen Anne’s Frosty Lace ©2008 Bo Mackison

Can U Get Tramadol Online Here’s the Queen with a bit of decorative hat. There is beauty even in the changes of the seasons, though I am fond of autumn’s color and mildness, and haven’t yet had my fill. I will have to keep autumn’s memory close by being satisfied with the photographs that stay – no matter how wild the weather gets outside.

An Autumn Hang-Up


enter Caught ©2008 Bo Mackison Autumn is definitely upon us. Everywhere I look there is evidence of summer’s long past retreat and autumn’s complete domination. Two of the trees in my yard are totally bare. Brown, crunchy leaves are spread under their empty branches, and while I find it rather satisfying to stomp through the noisy litter, I’m not too thrilled at the prospect of the raking job that is on the agenda for this week-end – that is, if it doesn’t snow as is predicted.

watch My red maple is still fully dressed, and lovely. Deep reds at the very top meld into bright reds and then orange-reds towards the bottom of the tree. I’ve been waiting for the sun to shine to take a few photos, but without any luck. It’s raining now, and I haven’t the heart to even check the weather report for tomorrow.

go to link Lots of photographers seem to be attracted to the simple leaf this week. I’ve seen a few outstanding examples. A pair of brown leaves here, and here is another favorite, with a great twist, and then one more product of autumn’s touch, and finally one with a foreign flavor.

Tramadol Sales Cheap How soon until we are all taking photos of that white fluffy stuff?  Too soon, I’m thinking. Way too soon.

Marking an Anniversary

Rosinweed in Autumn

source link Rosinweed in Autumn ©2008 Bo Mackison

source I’ve been enjoying these sunflowers all through August and most of September, but now that it’s cooled down the flowers have given way to the fruits – woody things that I think have a special beauty all their own. A solid beauty, a quiet substantive feel. And a sign of transition, too. This marks the 366th day that I have posted to Seeded Earth. A year ago I set myself the goal of posting a photo a day for a year – and leap day added an extra day. And so today the goal is accomplished.

Tramadol Rx Purchase I thought for much of that time that I would stop blogging after the year was completed. But blogging has crept into my life and into my soul, and I like this part of my day where I sit down and take some time out to choose a photo and write a few words. I found out that I like sharing my part of the world with people, and I found people that I enjoy sharing this tiny part of my life with, too. And I really like photography. I’ve discovered that in the last year, too. So for the time being, I’m going to keep taking photos and writing. Maybe not every day, but probably pretty close to it. It’s a part of my routine now, and a part I enjoy. It’s good to have a little routine in this crazy world and something solid in a crazy life.

Double Decked Out – and Celebratin’

Double Decked Plant

go site Double Decked Plant ©2008 Bo Mackison

follow url Like this plant, I’m double decked out and just ready to set bloom on a new adventure. I have all my gear packed and the camping stuff assembled, and I’ve turned over the care of my house and cat to two of my kids. In a few short hours my husband and I will be on the open road in search of adventure. Sixteen days away from the daily routines (and not so routines) and off to explore.

go to site We’re leaving the Midwest and making a 4000 mile trek from Wisconsin to Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico – and visiting some great National Parks along the way – Arches, Canyonlands, Great Sand Dunes, plus quite a few others. (We’ve had this trip planned a long time, and decided to go even with the price of gas. Thank goodness it has dropped by 60 cents a gallon in the last few months). We have plans to visit a cousin of mine I haven’t seen in ages, meet my writing coach – a woman I have worked with for over a year by phone, but this will be our first face to face encounter – and have lunch with a blogging buddy, too. I will be light on visiting blogs, though I’ll have my computer with me to download my photographs so I’ll probably check out how pervasive Wifi really is. Especially if we run into any rain. I’m sure there are coffee shops most anywhere with internet – even near the red rock canyons or on the outskirts of the Sonoran desert. But then again, maybe not.

I’ve used the magic of WordPress and my daily photo and rambling words will keep popping up. I mark a special anniversary tomorrow, and I have that post ready to go, as I wanted to think about what I was going to write. Not write it on the run.

So, while I’ll be hanging around, I won’t be hanging around as usual. I’m hoping for good driving, decent weather, (I’ve packed everything from long underwear and winter outerwear to swimming suit and tank tops), my maps are marked. And so we are off.

Yippee! Vacation is finally here. Bye.

Hello from Chicago!

Chicago postcard

Chicago Postcard ©2008 Bo Mackison

Spent a few fun days in Chicago recently. My eldest kiddo has lived half way across the country for the last six years – three years teaching in a high school in NYC and then three years going back to school for another degree once she realized she didn’t really want to teach for forty more years. And so now it’s time for job interviews. She just had several in Chicago.

Chicago is just a drive across the state line and then a few more miles from home. Sure beats traveling to and from New York. The last time we visited, we had a noon flight out of LaGuardia and finally flew out about ten the next morning. And no, the weather was fine. I won’t even try to rationalize why our trip took nearly 36 hours instead of six! There was no rational reason, though we heard a lot of excuses.

So I have my fingers crossed – my toes crossed, too – for a great job offer in Chicago.