Marking an Anniversary

Rosinweed in Autumn

Rosinweed in Autumn ©2008 Bo Mackison

I’ve been enjoying these sunflowers all through August and most of September, but now that it’s cooled down the flowers have given way to the fruits – woody things that I think have a special beauty all their own. A solid beauty, a quiet substantive feel. And a sign of transition, too.

This marks the 366th day that I have posted to Seeded Earth. A year ago I set myself the goal of posting a photo a day for a year – and leap day added an extra day. And so today the goal is accomplished.

I thought for much of that time that I would stop blogging after the year was completed. But blogging has crept into my life and into my soul, and I like this part of my day where I sit down and take some time out to choose a photo and write a few words.

I found out that I like sharing my part of the world with people, and I found people that I enjoy sharing this tiny part of my life with, too. And I really like photography. I’ve discovered that in the last year, too.

So for the time being, I’m going to keep taking photos and writing. Maybe not every day, but probably pretty close to it. It’s a part of my routine now, and a part I enjoy. It’s good to have a little routine in this crazy world and something solid in a crazy life.