Please, Belize…

Snow. Winter © 2008 Bo Mackison

…share some of your sun. I’ve been sharing tropical photos most of the week. Now back to reality for awhile.

This blog brings you another weather bulletin. In case you’re curious, people in Wisconsin tend to be quite preoccupied with their weather. -6˚F today, -38˚F wind chill. The weathermen refer to this as “Bitterly cold. Frostbite warning.” I won’t even predict conditions for tonight. All I know, I’m staying inside. Not even the perfect photo could get me out there.

This photo was taken during the last cold spell when it was only 0˚.
Owen Conservation Park, Madison, WI

Capitol Square

White Capitol © 2008 Bo Mackison

Wisconsin State Capitol Building on the Capitol Square in downtown Madison.

The building is a geographical one-of-a-kind. It’s the only Capitol Building to be built on an isthmus in the world.
Does everyone remember what an isthmus is from 5th grade geography? Hmmm.

Snow Plow

Not Your Typical Snow Plow

Not Your Typical Snow Plow

Once a valuable piece of equipment, this field plow;
Now it stands, simply a snow plow.

Back to snow and Wisconsin for a dose of reality before returning to my travel photos of the tropics. (that honestly are depressing me right now.)

Baby, it’s COLD outside. On my recent travels, I was disappointed when the temperature hovered in the low 70s. Now I’d be happy, no – ecstatic, if the thermometer would read above zero.

An Icy Promise

Icy © 2008 Bo Mackison

Owen Conservation Park

Madison, WI

Branching Abstract

Branches © 2008 Bo Mackison

Snow. Branches. Abstract.