Hallway Reflection

Buy Actavis Diazepam Uk An interior photo from deep within the Wisconsin State Capitol. Even the areas not seen by the typical visiting tourist are amazingly designed and beautifully appointed. From the inset marble floor to the hand painted ceiling, everything has been planned for aesthetics. I love how the hallway seems to be a reflection – ceiling and floor as a reflection of each other.

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Oak Leaves and Shadows

Valium Bula Anvisa “We ascribe beauty to that which is simple;
which has no superfluous parts;
which exactly answers its end;
which stands related to all things;
which is the mean of many extremes.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher and poet (1803-1882)

http://foodsafetytrainingcertification.com/food-safety-news/e2ns59yeu “I hate quotations.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, American satirist (as noted above)

click here The first real fall of snow (only 3 inches) fell Sunday, December 2nd, though tricky Mother Nature capped her display of winter glory with an inch of glassy ice.

https://riverhillcurrent.com/v0im9oj0d8e When I went to shoot photos yesterday morning, I only went about 10 feet from the start of the path, and fell twice going that far. Therefore today’s photo is a simple one, though it does applaud the mighty oak leaf, who refuses to acknowledge winter’s demise of leaves, and the sun-cast shadows that make playful designs in the snow.

Fungus Amongst Us

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https://www.amyglaze.com/51fh64n3go Lavender scallops
Fungus many layers deep
Gift on walking trail.

click This inspiring surprise of nature was found on a path along the Black Earth Creek, a trout stream near Madison, Wisconsin. ( A magnificent stream!) Taken just before sunset on October 21, 2007. I’ve misplaced my fungus ID book, so if anyone knows the name of this lovely guy, please share.

https://www.frolic-through-life.com/2025/01/lvk8b8wxw Addendum: Mark tells me these are turkey tail fungi. Very well-named.

Sunrise in October

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http://lisapriceblog.com/lsxu8f6 October sunrise
Silhouettes of withered weeds
Earth’s cycling seasons

see Sunrise taken at Pope Farm, 5 miles west of Madison, Wisconsin