Rotunda Art

Wisconsin State Capitol Building Wisconsin State Capitol Building


follow url The Wisconsin State Capitol rotunda has a painting on the ceiling by Edwin Howland-Blashfield entitled “Resources of Wisconsin.” The painting has a central female figure, depicted as  “Wisconsin”, enthroned upon clouds and swathed in the American flag. Interesting how states were symbolized a hundred years ago.

Train Load of Good Cheer

under the Wisconsin Capitols Christmas Tree under the Wisconsin Capitol's Christmas Tree

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Discount Cheap Pills Tramadol For as many years as I have been visiting the State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin to see the Christmas Tree filling the rotunda, it has always had a certain simplicity about it which I love. The tree sparkles with lights. There are hundreds of hand crafted paper ornaments made by Wisconsin school children. And there has always been a model train circling the tree. Nothing fancy – this year a Wisconsin & Southern replica engine and a few cars are traveling ’round and ’round along a circular track – but it follows a rather nice tradition.

Of the People, By the People, For the People…

Wisconsin State Capitol at Midnight

enter site Wisconsin State Capitol at Midnight © 2008 Bo Mackison …from the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln, and quoted by Obama during his victory speech at Grant Park on Election Night. We celebrate a new day, a new era, and the election of the new President of the United States, Barack Obama.

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Capitol as Night Falls

Capitol and Fountain

Tramadol Uk Buy Capitol and Fountain © 2008 Bo Mackison Living in the capitol of Wisconsin, it is hard to pass this stately building wthout taking a photo now and then. Friday night my Sherpa and I lugged the camera gear to the Isthmus (the Capitol building is on a narrow strip of land between two large urban lakes) where we dallied with dinner at a local brew-pub, then strolled over to the Monona Terrace Roof Garden.

enter site We enjoyed the steady breeze off Lake Monona, and watched the clouds move in, cover the Capitol dome in gray, and then slip away again. Finally the Capitol lights went on and I set up and took a few photographs. She’s a mighty handsome building – this Capitol with the loveliest gold statue of ‘Miss Forward’ standing atop her highest stone.

Curves and Rotunda Graceful architecture abounds in the interior of the Wisconsin State Capitol Building in Madison, WI.