Rotunda Art

Wisconsin State Capitol Building

Buying Tramadol Online Illegal Wisconsin State Capitol Building

Purchasing Tramadol The Wisconsin State Capitol rotunda has a painting on the ceiling by Edwin Howland-Blashfield entitled “Resources of Wisconsin.” The painting has a central female figure, depicted as  “Wisconsin”, enthroned upon clouds and swathed in the American flag. Interesting how states were symbolized a hundred years ago.

Train Load of Good Cheer

under the Wisconsin Capitols Christmas Tree under the Wisconsin Capitol's Christmas Tree

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Tramadol Overnight Paypal For as many years as I have been visiting the State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin to see the Christmas Tree filling the rotunda, it has always had a certain simplicity about it which I love. The tree sparkles with lights. There are hundreds of hand crafted paper ornaments made by Wisconsin school children. And there has always been a model train circling the tree. Nothing fancy – this year a Wisconsin & Southern replica engine and a few cars are traveling ’round and ’round along a circular track – but it follows a rather nice tradition.

A Christmas Tradition

Capitol Christmas Tree

go here Capitol Holiday Tree

follow Holiday Tree in the rotunda of the State Capitol Building in downtown Madison, Wisconsin.

Curves and Rotunda

here Graceful architecture abounds in the interior of the Wisconsin State Capitol Building in Madison, WI.


follow A early morning trip to the Wisconsin State Capitol Building in downtown Madison yielded some interesting photographs and designs. This was a warm place to be on another snowy, blowy, cold winter’s day.

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