Abstract Agave – Exploration of Color and Spirit

Agave Abstact Photo on Paper Bag Paper

go to site Agave Abstract Photo on Paper Bag Paper © 2014 Bo Mackison

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https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/xz1j8nktq You have surprisingly beautiful paper with amazing texture and color. I wondered what would happen if I printed a photograph of the delicate paper. I treated the paper with Golden’s Digital Ground, a clear ground that allowed me to run the paper bag through a printer. This was the result.

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go What fun experimenting with paper, paint and photographs on a Sunday afternoon. Now that I’ve successfully printed a photograph on the paper bag, I’m considering all the possibilities. So many possibilities…

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get link Thanks to Marline Dunn for her expertise and guidance as we gathered stacks of paper bags, then added paint, water and sunshine.
