Seeing in the Desert

Crested Saguaro - Exposed

Crested Saguaro © 2011 Bo Mackison

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher in a storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.
~ Rabindranath Tagore

Sometimes what I see as I photograph a subject is not what anyone else might see.
Sometimes what I remember seeing is not what the pixels captured.
Sometimes I recapture the magic of what I saw using the “magic” of post-processing.

Sometimes photography is similar to appreciating that the clouds color the sunset sky.


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She loves the Sonoran Desert, and she loves what she sees in the desert, too.

Crested Saguaro

Crested Saguaro - In Hiding

Crested Saguaro – In Hiding © 2011 Bo Mackison

I love the saguaro cacti that are often seen in the Sonoran Desert. I love the crested saguaro even more. I’ve seen five different crested saguaro since I’ve been exploring the desert, and each one seemed to have its own character. This crested saguaro seems to be “hiding its face”, a very shy saguaro, for sure!

Crested Saguaro

Crested Saguaro © 2011 Bo Mackison

Saguaros occasionally produce a fan-like formation at its tip called a crest. These crested saguaros are somewhat rare, estimated to develop only once every 100,000 saguaros.

Biologists disagree about the cause of the cresting — some hypothesize that it is a genetic mutation, while others think it might be the result of a lightning strike, freeze damage, or a virus. At this point, the cause of this rare, crested form is still a scientist’s guess.

I don;t care, what the cause, as long as it isn’t harmful to the saguaros, and all the crested ones I have seen looked healthy — and tall, too.

Next, I’ll see how a close up of a crested saguaro responds to some abstract techniques. Coming soon…


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She is still wandering, bringing you photographs and natural history notes from the Sonoran Desert

Spanish Bayonet

Spanish Bayonet Agave

Spanish Bayonet  © 2011 Bo Mackison

We need a renaissance of wonder. We need to renew, in our hearts and in our souls, the deathless dream, the eternal poetry, the perennial sense that life is miracle and magic. ~ E. Merrill Root

There is much in the desert that prompts a sense of wonder. These agave leaves — long, narrow, remarkably rigid, and  with dangerously sharp tips — are capped in a bright red, and make me think immediately that this plant has repeatedly engaged in  battles with inquisitive fingers.

It’s not the least bit difficult to understand why one of this agave’s English names is “Spanish Bayonet.” Perhaps requiring more imagination that I possess, I do not know why anyone would call this same plant “Our Lord’s Candle,” but my reference book, The Natural History of the Sonoran Desert, says it is so.

I did some manipulation of the original photograph so the cluster of tips in the center of the plant remain visible, but the background leaves seem to be melting into abstraction. Maybe it is like a candle! Or maybe my imagination got the best of me!


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Loving the desert and its amazing plant life. Must remember everything in the desert, however, is sharp — no unplanned movements.

Three Views of a Saguaro

Saguaro Spines

Saguaro Spines © 2011 Bo Mackison

Lately I’ve picked one subject to photograph in many ways, exploring it up close and far away. Exploring it from different views – from the top, all sides, from low while lying upon the earth. The desert has made me adapt to her ways, as I haven’t yet found a way to lie comfortably on her floor. I do not trust even a small area that looks gravel-y and clear of sharp objects.

Cactus spines, tree thorns, cholla stickers – my eyesight will never be acute enough to judge a space safe enough to lie upon.

It is making me explore alternative methods, for I have a strong connection to photographing earth’s living creatures while lying on my back, feeling fully connected to the earth itself.

Not a problem is Wisconsin, but a definite concern in Arizona.

Cactus Catch

Cactus Catch © 2011 Bo Mackison

Sherpa and I did a running count yesterday as we walked in the Sonoran Desert. We counted the number of “cartoon” cacti that we actually saw. Remember those “Beep, beep!” road runner cartoons? The desert would be a huge void, the ground sandy, much like a beach or a child’s sandbox, and at repetitive intervals a saguaro cactus would drift in and out of view. The cactus was always a one-armed or two-armed version of a Saguaro.

Obviously the cartoonists simplified the desert for the children, or perhaps they’d never seen the living desert themselves. Although there is space in the desert — most plants are not crowded together, but stand at respectful distances from each other, giving most plants enough space to provide the needed moisture — there are no large, open spaces of sandy terrain. Various cacti, bushes, trees and other vegetative species occupy a good amount of the land.

So I need to figure out a solution to my “lying on the earth” dilemma. Lightweight so I can carry it, impervious to sharp, sticky things, non-destructive to the desert floor. Hmm…

Cactus Portal

Cactus Portal © 2011 Bo Mackison

I am always amazed at the unusual things I see in the desert. In the above photo, there is a hole in the saguaro allowing me a peek at the saguaro standing behind it. Not only was I able to show this secret space, but the sunlight cast lovely shadows of the saguaro spines upon the cactus surface which gave the added treat of diagonal shadow/light.

See? The desert gives many gifts to those who wander there, observing the obvious and the not so obvious. I am very grateful that I am able to have another desert experience this year.

Desert Redux.


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She is thrilled beyond words as she can again explore southern Arizona, especially the Sonoran desert.


Tucson, Here We Come

Driving To Tucson

Driving to Tucson © 2011 Bo Mackison

After a couple of days reprieve from driving, we stopped in Phoenix for a visit which included good times, good conversation and a great Thanksgiving feast. Friday morning, bright and early, we got back on the interstate and headed southeast towards Tucson.

The Desert is Green

The Desert is Green © 2011 Bo Mackison

This part of the Southwest has had rain. And this part of the Sonoran Desert is green. All last year, I hardly saw green, unless it was in the form of a cactus. Oh, how I love even a few hours of green when seen in the desert.

On the 19

On the 19 © 2011 Bo Mackison

The clouds were quite amazing. White fluffy clouds floating across the desert and the interstate. When the clouds reached the Santa Rita Mountains to the west, they hung in the creases and valleys. There were no mountain tops to see when we were driving through Tucson and heading a bit further south to our home.

Pecan Orchards

Pecan Orchards © 2011 Bo Mackison

More clouds and more green. These pecan orchards looked like rows upon rows of dead trees last year. Today they are covered with leaves, the leaves are turning a yellowish brown. I love the pecan trees with their leafy cover. But I suspect that when I return here in another month the trees will again stand bare – and remind me of the trees in Wisconsin.

We have arrived. Now to stock up on groceries, paper products, and begin the dusting, vacuuming, window washing routine. Tucson has it all – great scenery, great people, great weather, and dust storms which tend to keep home interiors slightly dusty, no matter how often one cleans.


Bo Mackison is a photographer, owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She is on a ten-day explore in Tucson with Sherpa. While they are sight-seeing, Bo will continue using the Hipstamatic — fast photography approach. Once she is on her own, she will again practice her slow photography. (Hope the Canon doesn’t get too lonely.)